chapter 3 plans almost complete

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2 days later glitchtrap pov everyone are you ready glitchtrap said with a happy smile yes sir the prisoners said great get the guns ready yes sir good now prepar because a lot of you will DIE y y y yes sir good glitchtrap said now the fun will begin shortly I will go to the place first then I will tell yous when to go yes sir good I went to the prison and hacked there systems and let's all of the prisoners out I teleported to the sells hey 1 of the guards said who are you the guard asked call me Dave Miller what are you doing here and how did you get here and you also shouldn't be here slow down I broke in I said well freez now he said now do IT NOW OR I WILL shot how about no I said as I teleported behind him and stabed him with my knife that was infused with corruption now you are my puppet Hahahahahahahahaha now go use your security card to give me access to the system fully yes master good hahahahaha now hello everyone yous can call me Dave ok they all said now where is where is dawko cg5 dagames and dheusta we saw the guards take them to solitary confinement great well the show will begin now hahahahaha I laughed stay here yous the gate will open when yous will be let out and when yous get let out fight the guards and go to the underground sewer system to find it you need to go to actual I will give yous a map here glitchtrap cloned 40 maps with he's glitch powers ok now stay here I went to the solitary confinement rooms now have you gave me access to the hole prison yes master good now I don't need you so I made them grab a knife and stab them self but hey what are you doing put that down a guard said to the guard I was controlling and I lost control of them great so now I will have to deal with them to well it won't be that hard because I have powers now to hack into the system fully now I'm done hello again dawko cg5 dagames and dheusta hi master go now follow me I opened the gate so the prisoners can escape hey you there stop no I said as I stabed him but before I could he tried to shot me but I blocked it with a sheald I made bye guard hahahahaha I'm not letting you escape the guard said as glitchtrap went out the metal gate to the inside of the prison and closed it as I called for back up I tried to shoot him again but I decided not to because this guy is not human or at least he has powers somehow I said as I was bleeding out slowly I need to get to the security room now I said as I scooted my self to the security room and used the facial recognition software that was installed In the doors ok I'm in side note glitchtrap can see him he just isn't worried he can see him because he has control over the cameras I need to stop him some how I found some bandages I used the bandages now I need to sound the alarm I also saw prisoners escaping I sounded the alarm the alarm could be heard from the hole prison I need to find the prisoners now I went to find the prisoners I also called for back up again prisoners pov side note the prisoners started a fight with some of the other guard for a distraction we almost made it yes we're almost free finally by the way Jake is the name of the guard glitchtrap stabed and the guy who sounded the alarm stop right there Jake said why there more of us then you that what you think Jake said now 6 guard came out with guns in there hands now give up no 1 said as they reached for a gun now yous freez or Jake will die how about no 1 guard said who was friends with Jake the guard ran straight at the prisoner the prisoner shot him but he kept running and ran into the prisoner and they went off the edge of the sewer into the water below no jack Jake said crying they were child hood friends so will you come quietly or will you risk dieing either way yous go yous die if yous jump yous die if yous don't Co-operate yous die so what will it be because I really don't whant to kill someone I didn't get this job to kill I know there is some good in yous Jake said so please give up there can be a good future for yous I know it Jake said fine the prisoners said because we are dead anyway thanks Jake said with a cheerful smile I will miss you jack old friend I hope you find peace Jake said. Back to glitchtrap went out the gate hey freez the police swat and guards said they had swat and police cars and also helicopters oh it's a party I see glitchtrap said freez now ok I will good because there's no escape they said glitchtrap turned around so they could put handcuffs on him glitchtrap smiled when he turned around so what will you do with me now we will put you in the most securest prison in the world ok glitchtrap said as he hacked into there helicopters and ramed the helicopters into oneanother help the people running the helicopters screamed as the helicopters ramed into each other how did someone hack into our helicopters they asked me glitchtrap said as he turned around and broke he's hand cuffs h h how d d did you break the hand cuff because I will not let yous kill me shot him they all said as they shot me but I blocked the bullets clickly 1 tried to use a tun stick to shock me but I quickly doged it and snapped it in half I then stabed them all and made sure they didn't escape but 1 was able to run away I need back up I repeat I need back up I'm at redacted come quick plz oh here you are I said as I stabed him in the chest I took dawko cg5 dagames and dheusta out of the prison I called the prisoners who are in our team and they picked us up I was planning to call them earlier to help but I decided not to when we got to base I said welcome everyone my plain is coming together so the big part in the plan is coming up soon so be ready hahahahaha I said yes master

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