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It was like a dream,
I walked through the woods,
Finding answer for the untold truths,
Walking beneath the stars,
The light of the the moon guiding my path,
I walked and walked deeper in the woods,
I heard a sound,
A sound soo soothing to my ears,
I followed the sound,
My footsteps leading me nearer to the thing producing the sound,
I walked a mile and found a stream,
It was glistening like silver under the moonlight,
Surrounded by a feild of white lilies,
Producing a nectar like scent,
Dancing and grooving like a wave in the ocean,
I walked towards the stream through the feild of lilies,
I saw my reflection,
The scars getting healed,
The glow on my face returning,
I found reflection of few more people beside me,
Their beauty was eternal,
Their face showed kindness,
The sparkle in their eyes reflecting a whole galaxy of stars,
They led me to a place unknown,
A place which built confidence in me,
A place which gave me wings to fly high,
A place which encouraged millions of stars like me,
A place which consoled me during my darkest times,
A place which tought me to love myself,
A place which I'll be grateful for throughout my life.

THE LOVE I ONCE ADMIREDWhere stories live. Discover now