Chpt.1 The Departure

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3rd Person
Percy stared on in horror as he watched Annabeth die. A giant rock spike protruding from her stomach.

"NO!!!" Percy screamed. As he ran over. The spike shrunk back into the ground, Annabeth fell into my arms. "Percy, are you there?" She said looking into the sky. "I'm here wise girl, I'm here." Percy said through newly formed tears. "MEDIC!!!" He screamed. "It's ok seaweed brain, I love you, please, don't let me stop you from living your life." She said with a faint smile as she looked him in the eyes. "Don't talk like that wise girl, your not going anywhere, please." He said bawling. "Percy, it's too late, please, live your life, I love you always and forever and I'll see you Elysium." She said. "I love you too wise girl, I'll meet your in Elysium." He replied as her body went limp and her eyes glassed over.

Percy sat there, as the battle against Gaia raged around him. The tears in his eyes stopped as they began to swirl around him, then more water, and more water, then a small storm formed around him, as rain fell from the sky and lighting cracked. Then a hurricane formed with Percy on top. Monsters got sucked into the storm killing them instantly, but the demigods and the bodies of fallen demigods remained untouched. Percy flew towards the newly summoned Gaia catching her off guard and bringing her to the ground bit by bit, blast of water, and the hurricane, tore Gaia apart all while Percy ripped into her with his bare hands. Gaia screamed out in anguish unable to form words.

Eventually, Percy exposed Gaia heart. Pulling out riptide, he stabbed it into Gaia's heart, in her final moments, Percy leaned down and whispered in her ear. "This is what you get, you bitch." As he twisted the blade in her heart.

The remaining monsters began to run away as fast as the could. Everyone sat and stared at Percy. Suddenly he disappeared into mist.

Percy POV:
I mist traveled to Pitcairn Island, in the middle of the Pacific. I let every piece of emotion I've ever bottled up out. Seas raged around the island, the earth shook and a storm raged in the sky. All the while I cried, and cried. Annabeth, my wise girl, was the love of my life, and now she was gone. Eventually, I passed out after exerting all my energy.

This is just a short introductory chapter, the next 1 or 2 will be rather long and detail Percys journey before going to Hogwarts. The next chapter will be out shortly after this.

Huge shoutout to @lucaspereiraf for getting back into writing this story, as well as giving me some great ideas. Thank him for this book coming back.

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