Chpt.8 Lottery

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Percy POV:
I placed the scrap of paper into the fire which despite its stature I could reach pretty easily. There was no one else around as I had gotten up early. As I left I passed madeye moody but he was probably just heading to class. I had been procrastinating and put my name in the final day. I had been sitting with the Beauxbatons since they arrived, they were a lot more friendly than the Durmstrags who always had there panties in a twist. But later tonight I knew I would get picked.

I went through my classes with ease until it was time for dinner. I sat with the girls once again as Dumbledore came to the stand.

"Tonight we will be announcing the very special participants in the Triwizard tournament." He said to applause.

The first name came flying out from the goblet. "Ahh, let's see, first up is: Victor Krum for Durmstrag." Their table section exploded in cheers. He was lead into a back room by his headmaster.

Next, they called for the Beauxbatons. "Fleur DeLacour." He said. We all cheered as she got up and lead to the same back room.

"Now, for the student representative for Hogwarts: Perseus Jackson." He said as I stood up to deafening cheers. I went into the back room where I saw Fleur. She ran over and hugged me. "Well, looks like I'll have some good competition. I said returning the hug. The Harry came in. "Yo, what's up?" I asked as he probably shouldn't be there.

Dumbledore, the other headmaster and headmistress from the other schools as well as a couple teachers and ministry officials bust in and began interrogating him. "Hey, leave him alone, look at the poor bastard, he clearly didn't do this, he's scared shitless." I said stepping in front of Harry blocking him from everyone. "Harry's name was chosen." Said the ministry official in charge of the event, Barty Crouch or whatever.

"Now look at the look on his face, he is scared, and most of all confused, he doesn't know how this happened and he didn't want it to happen, I know cause I've been on a similar situation. Not instead of trying to blame a teenager, go try and find where you fucked up." I said taking a step forward, causing everyone to take a step back.

"Everyone, back to your rooms." Dumbledore said leading every including Fleur and Victor out with Fleur sneaking one last look back at me as she left.

As soon as everyone left I turned and looked at Harry. "You didn't do it right?" I asked seriously. "No, of course not." He replied hastily.

"Ok good, cause I just stuck my neck out for you there kinda, so if you did it, you better be able to like OJ your way out of this." I said as we left and went back to our dorms.

We woke up the next day to another announcement as I ate breakfast with the Beauxbatons. They announced the date of the first event at November 24th. "What do you think the challenge will be?" I asked the girls as we enjoyed croissants and fruit with a little cheese. "Your guess is as good as ours, we tried to think of some ideas last night." Fleur said. "Hmm." I said with an exhale as we packed up for our classes.

I made a mental calendar, I didn't know what the challenges were, but I was gonna win them. I knew I was gonna need to be ready for whatever.

I was walking the halls later that day when I saw Dumbledore. I started walking next to him. "Would you happen to know where I could find like a gym."

He thought about it for a second "I do believe, there is a place, the 7th floor, in the astrology wing." He said.

I made my way up there, going through the moving stairs. "I feel bad for the guy that's got to shit when the stairs are pointed away from the bathroom." I said as I made my way up them.

I came to a room that seemed to call to me. I hadn't been in this wing so all the doors seemed unfamiliar, but this one seemed different. I opened the door and found the weight room of my dreams. Bench's, pre set up squats, deadlifts and power cleans. Training dummy's and punching bags. Every size dumbbell and plate. It was beautiful.

I got the biggest part of my robes off, leaving just my pants, and shirt on as I began lifting and practicing with my sword and hand to hand.

I had my fun and went to leave, I turned around after I left and the door was gone. Well that's kinda cool I thought to myself, must be a room for stuff you need or something like that. I wanted to go for a swim by this point so I went out to the lake summoning myself some swim trunks.

I swam around for a little. Eventually I just laid on my back looking up to the afternoon sky. "Hello, are you ok?" I heard someone yell from shore. I got into a treading water position and looked over to see Fleur.

I swam to shore. "I'm doing just fine." I said as I was first getting out of the water. "Isn't it dangerous out th—?" She began to question before she began stumbling over her words as my torso exited the water and she began blushing as she looked away. "Once you get past the mermaids and the giant squid it's not all that bad." I said as I began drying off with a newly summoned towel.

"Really." She said continuing to look away. I began putting on my shirt. "It should be almost lunch time, let's go get some food, maybe some wine." I said as I lead her inside as her face came back to the usual beautiful pale.

I've always imagined Percy as very competitive, especially cause of like the fight with Thalia. I imagine Percy being super humble, but talking so much shit when he plays sports. Like him playing football and catching passes like Odell, hitting celly's. I more imagine him like playing pickup basketball, dunking on people, doing the big balls celebration like Lebron.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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