Chpt.4 Diagon Ally & Trains

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Percy POV:
I awoke in my bed after a good nights rest. I figured I'd try a spell so I took my wand and flicked it towards my water bottle saying 'wingardium leviosa' causing my water bottle to float is motioned for it to come to me when it flew towards my stomach where it hit me at Mach 1. This knocked the wind out of me but made me excited still cause I just did some magic shit. After regaining my breath I shouted "Yes, Magic Bitch!"

I got ready, making a plate of Huevos Rancheros for breakfast with some fried eggs and chorizo. I went into the living room when I saw a giant stack of gold coins with a note attached to it and a small coin bag straight from Lord of the Rings. I read the note.

What you see in front of you is 250 Galleons, the highest form of wizard currency. The bag is infinite expanding and has about 10000 galleons inside, you can add the ones on the table to this amount. This will last you a lifetime, if you don't spend it all at once.

I put all the coins into my bag when I heard what sounded like rocks hitting against my window. I walked over its window to see an owl on a little outcropping under my window. It carried a letter which it dropped as I opened my window.

I grabbed the letter and read it, it was a letter from Dumbledore. He knew about who I was and why I was there as well as a list of things would need for the year and where to get them.

I walked around London till I came across the Leaky Cauldron. Everyone stopped and looked at me, probably cause I wasn't in sweatpants and an Avenged Sevenfold shirt.    I just tipped my hat and following the instructions Dumbledore sent me. The bricks on the back alley wall began to shift until a doorway opened up into a bustling shopping center, like the ones in Paris, but British and Magic.

I walked through the streets and shops getting my supplies while getting a lot of looks. I got my robes tailored, also got some other formal wear in case like a suit and a tux cause I had that kinda money now. I also bought all my books, potions stuff and all I had to get now was a pet. I found the pet shop after a few minutes where all the owls began scratching at me, except for one. A huge, strong Eurasian Eagle Owl. I went up to the bird who sat outside of it cage, I held my arm out as he gave a hop onto it. I brought it into the shop as I paid for it as well as some stuff to take care of my owl, I took all my stuff and brought it all back to my apartment.

I sat back and relaxed as I tried to think of my next move, I had nothing to do till September, so I had about a month to kill. I sat around working on my powers and magic. I could summon any amount of food or fire. I also found out I could must travel, which is fucking awesome, and made things easier for myself. I also practice my magic and potions and with Hecates blessing it was a breeze. I just spent my time exploring all the shops of diagon ally and London itself.

But other than that I sat around and watched tv and played video games. Eventually the school year was a week away I began to get ready packing my bags and getting ready. When the day arrived I packed all my bags and went to platform 9 3/4 where I saw a bunch of teenagers pass through the wall. I ran through and saw a beautiful train station with a beautiful, giant steam locomotive. I gave my stuff to the baggage guy and found a nice cozy booth in the rear cars. Having gotten up early to get to the station it left me quite tired as I settled in and got comfortable. Eventually, before the train left I dozed off.

Harry POV:
Hermione, Ron and I had searched almost the whole train for a booth, finally we reached the back where only 1 was opened and it was occupied by a sleeping man wearing a hoodie that covered his whole face and upper body. "I guess here will have to do." I said as we climbed into the car and began talking about our summers. The man barely moved, eventually the sweets cart came and we got some food. "So do you think Voldemorts actually back?" Hermione asked as Ron winced at the names. "He has to be." I said "Ok, so what do we do?"Hermione asked. "We can just wait." Rome said stuffing his face. Before Hermione could tell him how stupid he was the door opened revealing Malfoy and his goons Crabbe and Goyle.

"Well well, what do we have here, a poor little Weasley, the boy who lived, a mud blood and by the looks of it, another one in the corner." Draco said with the snarky voice and smile. "Get out of here Malfoy." I said standing up and getting in his face. Grabbe and Goyle and stepped forward pushing me forward causing me to trip and fall into the guy sleeping into the corner. I felt the guy stir behind me after I fell. "The fucks going on here." I heard him say in a deep voiced American accent. I pushed myself off him as he stood up, taking off his hood, revealing a chiseled jaw line highlighted by a short but well groomed beard. He bad long hair reaching the bottom of his neck, he stood about 6'3/6'4 and lean muscular, which you could even tell through his sweats. He looked like 17 year old Greek Jesus as he took off his sweatshirt revealing a chiseled physic under his tight fitting shirt.

"The hell do you think you're doing." He said. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Malfoy said. "That doesn't matter, what matters is you getting the hell out of my booth." He said point towards the front cars. "Get him." Malfoy said to Crabbe and Goyle pushing them towards him. The man grabbed a punch by Goyle in his left hand, and before retaliating with his own in from a right hook nocking him to the floor. The man then grabbed Crabbe by the shirt pulling him towards him slamming his forehead into Crabbe's nose. Then with a quick jab he caught Malfoy in the nose, causing a crunch to be heard out. Malfoy and his goons rolled around crying on the floor. He then took out his wand and waved it at the three of them saying "Episkey." As all there injury's healed. They all got off the floor as Malfoy said his signature line "My father will hear about this." As they stormed off. The man sat back down as I looked at my friends, Ron stared at the man in awe while Hermione looked at him biting her lip and crossing her legs.

He sat down and got comfortable as he looked at us. "Hi, names Percy."

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