Chpt.6 Classes

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Percy POV:
Ya know, the magic is cool and all, but this is still school and it still sucks, I'm not even learning anything, Hecate gave me all the magical knowledge and Athena gave me a way to organize and memorize it all. For the most part I just hung out in the back of my classes and didn't do much. This did get me the attention of teachers sometimes though and they'd call on me to answer questions which I would get right. Though I must say it felt nice to be sit in the back because I knew what was going on, and not because I didn't.

My classes were charms, potions(Snapes a dick), transfiguration, ancient ruins, and finally defense against the dark arts. I had a very bad feeling about professor Moody, he seemed, I don't know how he seemed, it just felt off the way he looked, moved, acted, more like a psychopath and not a grizzled veteran.

I was also starting to get sick of the food, it was all brown British food, I lived in Japan, now I eat nothing but like fried eggs and sausage for breakfast and roast chicken/pot roast for lunch and dinner. I had to find some inventive ways to workout as there was no physical education at this school so I had to run around the school early in the morning, take a swim in the lake and conjure some weights to stay in shape. All that said I know I'm doing a lot of complaining, but it's hard to find what's good about this school with all the racism. Everywhere I go it's mudblood this and all sorts of shit, and no one was doing anything about it, I'm pretty sure I've heard some of the older teachers say it under their breath.

The school did have its shining moments like the architecture and the paintings and ghost had some interesting stories.

Though I did notice how the whole school, the media, and apparently the government seemed to be skirting around the whole Voldemort thing. Although even with all that, I did have one thing that might be exciting, apparently tonight at dinner there would be a special announcement. I got through my classes and had a little downtime, then finally, it was dinner.

We all sat down to some more fucking potato's and chicken. "Hello students," Dumbledore announced towards the end of the meal. "I am excited to announce that this year, Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament!" The students all erupted in excitement. "We will be competing against the Beauxbaxtons and the Durmstrags." Which caused even more excitement as the kids were excited to meet other school, I was excited to interact with people from France again.

We all went back to our common rooms chattering. I talked to the twins who were hatching a plan to enter and win the prize money. I saw Harry with a look of dread that's all to familiar as he sat in the corner after most everyone went to bed, it was just me sitting by the fire in a big comfortable chair and him in the corner. "Hey, Harry, come sit over here." I said as he walked over and sat in the chair to my right with a coffee table in the middle. "Want anything to drink." I said. "Pumpkin Juice, I guess." He said as I produced a glass for him, as I summoned a glass of scotch for myself with Hestia's power. "So you're worried about the tournament, right?" I asked. "How'd you know?" He asked taking a sip of pumpkin juice. "I know what it's like the be the chosen one, or the prophecy child." I responded staring into the fire as it gave a soft, comforting crackling sound. "How?" He asked incredulously. "It's a long story kid. But what's not a long story, is my advice," I shifted in my chair to look at him. "You can't do it alone, you need people to help you with whatever your journey is, you can't shut others out. You will fail if you try and go about it alone, and with the right friends, you can get through just about anything." I said finishing my drink before taking my find and transforming the glass into a piece of paper before throwing it on the fire. "Good night Harry, I'll see you tomorrow." I said heading off to bed.

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