Chpt.3 The New Mission

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Percy POV:
"What'd you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well you see Percy, there is a world of Wizards, witches and other magical beings all over the world. But in England, there is very powerful and dark magic at work, and it's threatens the whole mortal world and the world of every godly pantheon." Zeus explained.

"How can I help, I don't know shit about magic." I said confused. Suddenly a portal opened and Hecate walked through. "That's where I come in Percy. These witches and wizards are descendants of mine, but some of them are evil and have grown a hatred of mortals or as they call them, muggles. One wizard, named Voldemort, is gaining power and the magical world needs someone like you to help, they need a true hero. I with your permission, l will bless you and give you the magical ability's of a wizard twice your age so that you may go to the wizarding school of Hogwarts and help the chosen one, and defeat Voldemort." Hecate pleaded.

"Wait, chosen one?" I asked "Yes, his name is Harry Potter and he is fated to kill Voldemort and save the wizarding world, but he can not, not alone at least, he needs a true hero, one who has seen battle." Hecate said.

"I will do what is needed." I said kneeling before her and the counsel. Hestia put out her hand and shot a beam of purple light towards me. The knowledge of the magical world coursed through my head. Every spell, potion, magical school, famous wizard and the history of the magical world was in my head. As soon as it was done I realized I couldn't make heads or tails of the what was going through my mind due to the dyslexia and ADHD. I gripped my head in pain trying to make sense of it all. Athena saw what was happening and spoke up. "Perseus, if you want, I can help you." She said rather sheepishly due to our mixed history. "Anything." I said in pain, still gripping my head. A beam of grey light shot out of Athena's hand as the pain subsided and all the information easily filed into my brain. As I easily accessed all the information I was given. "We will send you to a house in England. You will stay there till the beginning of the school year upon which you will attend classes as an exchange student from America. You will be given a large amount of wizarding money, but will have to buy all the things required for the school year, you will be given a list at a later date. The last thing I will give you, is a wand."

A beautiful wand floated towards me, made of deep black corral, smooth and shiny, it looked about 10 inches long. "It is made of corral, the same that is used in parts of your father's castle. Its core is a piece of my hair, which will make it one of the most powerful wands ever." She said with pride. "Thank you m'lady, but, what about my age, I'm 24." I asked. "Oh, right." She said as she pointed her finger at me and made a circle in the air. My hair and beard got shorter, I no longer looked like greek Jesus, the beard and long hair where still there, just not as long, I got a little slimmer and now looked all around more youthful, I looked about 17 again.

"That should do it." She said clapping her hands together. "Now, say your goodbyes and I'll teleport you to your new home." I was told by Hecate. So that's what did, I started saying goodbye to the Olympians, including Hestia, my father, Apollo, Hephaestus, Aphrodite and Hermes.

I then went about saying goodbye to my Mom, and Paul, and all my friends at camp who were all teleported to Olympus at my request. I finished my goodbyes, but before I could leave Hestia pulled me aside. "Hello Percy." She said with warmth. "Hello Hestia." I replied as she pulled me into a hug. "Percy, I wanted to give you a gift before you left." She said. "Thank you, but please, you don't have to." I said grateful. "I will make you my champion. You will be able to produce home cooked meals wherever you are, you will be able to instill and take away hope in people, you'll be immune to fire, and finally, you will be able to produce fire from nothing, in any form you wish." She said as she pulled me into another hug as I was enveloped in power and warmth before I could even say anything. "Thank you Hestia, I promise to not let you down." I said giving a peck on her cheek before I walked towards Hecate. "Are you ready Percy?" She asked. "Yes I am." I responded. "Good."

Suddenly I was teleported to a fully furnished apartment in London. I found a bed room with a closet full of clothes, a nice large bathroom and living room, and a beautiful kitchen not unlike the ones in the restaurants I used to cook at. I got settled in and started watching some tv. The next day I would begin training in the art of magic, but for now, I would relax.

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