Chpt.2 The Journey

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Percy POV:
I drifted aimlessly through the sea, stomach to the sky as I floated letting the currents take me around the ocean. I floated for days, until, I didn't. I felt my head hit sand. I stood up and looked around, I used my senses of the sea to see where I was, and realized I had ended up in southern France. I started to walk in land until I found a road then followed it east till I came to Marseille. I walked into the city, marveling at the architecture, which saddened me more at the thought of Annabeth and how much she would love it here.

I walked through the city until I saw a little shopping district, next to the water. I asked someone to borrow someone's phone and texted my mom. I texted her saying "Hey mom, it's me Percy, I'm gonna be gone for a while, I love you, and I'll be home one day, I'll miss you."

I walked down the street getting odd looks, probably due to the tattered clothes I wore. Suddenly, I heard a woman scream from and alley next to me. Instinctively I ran towards it. I weaved through some old building before I came across a woman, about to get raped. Seeing this sent me into a rage, I flew towards the man, tackling him to the ground, I began to pummel him until he lay unconscious. "Are you ok ma'am?" I asked softly. "Qui, merci, oh thank you so much." She replied in beautiful French accent. She stood about 5'9 with brown hair and eyes, she had a nice tan and normal figure, she looked to be in her mid 30s early 40s. "It's no problem." I replied backing away. "Are you ok?" She asked looking me up and down, seeing my dirt and blood covered, tattered clothes and my obvious being American. "I'll be fine." I said. "Are you sure, I can offer you a place to stay if you need. After all I do owe you." She said pointing to the man who I know was throwing into a jumble of trash bags. "Honestly, I do need a place to stay, at least for a day or 2 if I won't be a burden." I replied sheepishly. "Of course of course." She said leading me out of the alley and towards her apartment. "My name is Camille." She said holding out her hand. "Percy." I said shaking her hand.

I stayed with her for 6 weeks, all the while she taught me French, which came quickly to me. I was almost completely bilingual after the 6 weeks, due in part to being surrounded by the language I also picked up some Spanish and Italian. Who knows why languages came naturally to me. Maybe something to do with Poseidon being the god if the seas and then harbors having people who speak different languages or some shit like that. Who knows, demigod powers can be weird. I had gotten a job at the end of my 6 weeks working in a restaurant.

I had learned to love cooking with my mother and was actually really good at it, so I got a job at a local restaurant as a chef. I got my own small apartment nearby and was living a relatively good life. But I couldn't help but feel like there was more out there for me. I wanted to experience the world, do all the things that me and Annabeth wanted to do together.

So I packed my things and moved on. I hoped on a train and went to Spain. I worked around for a couple weeks. I worked in restaurants, on fishing boats and a week as a bouncer at a club. I saved up enough money to get a plane ticket to Japan. I spent almost 10 months in Japan, learning Jujitsu and Karate, living in a tiny apartment and working in a penthouse sushi restaurant, real high end. I also learned a good amount of Japanese, not fluent but still good. I had a good time in Japan but it wasn't enough.

I then travelled to Australia, traveling all over the continent cooking bbq meeting amazing people and drinking one hell of a lot of beer.

I travelled through Mexico and South American. I traveled around Morocco, Egypt, the Middle East and anywhere I could for 4 years. Finally for about 2 years I settle down in Monaco gambling and partying, at night, spending my days in the beach in the sun.

Over time I grew more and more homesick. I missed New York, I missed my friends and I missed my Mom. But almost above all, I missed having a purpose, I needed something to do with my life, not just aimlessly wander. And to be honest with myself, I missed the wars, and fighting and danger. I hadn't even run into a monster since I left after killing Gaea. So I decided it's time to go home. I got the first flight out of Dubai where I currently was to New York.

I got there and found the nearest harbor before jumping in and swimming to Montauk. After about 30 minutes of swimming I reached the beach of camp halfblood. I walked up onto the beach and saw all my friends except Thalia. Suddenly they all rushed me and grabbed me in a hug.

"Oh my god you're back!" Hazel yelled out. "I'm back, I'm sorry I left." I said sheepishly. "Where have you been?" Piper asked. "Just about everywhere." I replied. "I'll tell you all about it." I said as they broke off me and I began explaining everywhere I had been across the world, and the things I've done. We talked for hours. Jason and Piper had broken up, but remained friends. Hazel and Frank were going strong and Leo and Calypso were together, and so wasn't Nico and Will. I stayed there for a little while which fulfilled my want to see my friends but I still felt empty inside, cause I no longer had 2 things that always carried me. Fighting, which yes I did learn many fighting styles and stuff but it was never the same. And most importantly I was missing love, I saw all my friends with there significant others, and while I had like, 3 or 4 one night stands over the time, it just wasn't it, I couldn't do it. I missed Annabeth, and I missed loving and being loved by someone.  I talked to the gods a little, especially my Father, Hestia and some of Hades.

I woke up after a few days in camp to a knock in my door.

"Hey Percy, the gods need you in Olympus."  Yelled out Jason. "Ok." I yelled back as I for ready, before mist traveling to Olympus which is a trick I had honed in my time away. I had a good bad feeling in my gut as I walked through the door.

"Welcome back Perseus," Zeus said. "Up for a challenge."

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