Chpt.5 Sorting

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Percy POV:
"Hi, names Percy." I said extending my hand. No one shook it. "What, never seen a fight before?" I asked chuckling to myself. "Bloody hell man, what was that?" Yelled the ginger. "He attacked me." I said in defense. "Not that, how'd you learn to do that." The kid with the glasses asked. The girl sitting in the corner sat rubbing her legs staring at me which made me wildly uncomfortable cause she looked about 14 so I just tried to ignore it, no means no Kevin. "I've been around." I simply replied. Then, I noticed that the scar on glasses's forehead, a lightning bolt, this was the kid, Harry Potter, well that's convenient.

"So ya gonna tell me your names or what?" I asked looking around at them. One by one I shook there hands.

"Hi, I'm Harry Potter."

"I'm Hermione Granger."

"Names Ron Weasley." The ginger finished.

"So, what grade are y'all?" I asked. "We're all year 4." Harry said. "What about you, I've never seen you before, and you sound American." Harry asked almost suspiciously. "I'm a year 7, just transferred from America." I said. "They have wizards and witches in America?" Ron questioned. "Well shit, I sound American, I just did a spell, and I haven't seen a single British person with a tan like mine so yeah." I said with a chuckle as his face went red. "So why'd you transfer?" Hermione asked. "Wanted to do something new, plus I was getting bored, heard about Voldemort, figured I'd come see what that's all about." I finished watching everyone wince as I said Voldemort.

"Are you crazy mate?!" Ron said in shock. "Just a little." I responded pinching my fingers together. Causing an awkward silence as I realized I am a little too intense for these kids. "Ya know what, just forget it." I waved that off. "So what's the school like?" I asked as they described it for the rest of the train ride, Hermione describing the classes and academics, Ron describing the food and sports, and Harry talking about Quidditch, how much he hates Snape and some of the other things. Eventually the train came to a halt as we all got off the train. I saw a giant man yelling out. "Year 1s, and Percy Jackson!" He yelled out. I walked over to him. "Sup, I'm Percy." I said as he looked at me shocked, not expecting an adult with a beard. "Well son, right this way." He said as he led us all to these boat which took us across this giant lake, luckily I got my own boat, as we crossed I had a short telepathic conversation with a couple mermaids and a giant squid named Kevin who seemed cool.

We crossed the water and landed at where we walked a path up to a large wooden door where we were met by an older witch who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. She lead everyone in as I hung back, making sure I was the last to enter. I walked along just a little behind McGonagall, she slowed down until she was right next to me. "Just so you know, I know, I'm a grand daughter of Athena." She whispered. "Good to know." I whispered back. "So how's this gonna go?" I asked. "You're gonna sit on a stool, we put a hat on your head that reads your mind and sorts you into one of the 4 houses." She replied. "Ok, thanks." I replied as McGonagall sped ok to herd the 1st years into the dining hall.

We all shuffled into the dining hall. Slowly but surely all the kids got sorted, pretty even split, though everyone was more focused on me, whispering to each other while they stared at me. Eventually it was my turn, as Dumbledore announced, "While I'm sure you may have noticed, we have a very special guest, a transfer student from American, Mr Percy Jackson." He announced with vigor. I walked forward and sat on the stool, looking out on the dining hall as they placed the hat on my head.

Well well well. A gruff voice said in my head. Alright, let's get this over with, you don't want to see what I've seen and done, so just put me in a house. I explained to the hat. That how this works, now, I'm gonna have a look. He said cockily. Your funeral. I replied as he went quiet for a second.

My god. He said after a couple seconds Tried to warn ya, now just put me in Gryffindor or some shit, I read Hogwarts a history. I said to him as he yelled out loud. "Gryffindor!" As the table began to clap. I walked over and took a seat. "Hi Percy, I'm Fred Weasley." A person said, before another identical person said. "And I'm George Weasly."

"I know some one just like you, so your George and your Fred. Cmon, tell me I'm right." I said as the looked on in awe. "Bloody hell your good. I think we'll get along nicely." They said. Dumbledore then made some announcements about the defense of the dark arts teacher, but what made me perk up was the mention of the Triwizard tournament. I knew what it was from the books and it got me excited, finally, something that could be fun, but that would come later, for now, I had school. We all dug in to the magically appearing feast of brown food, a staple in British cuisine. I new that this was gonna be  fun new challenge, though I still felt empty, cause it wasn't that much of a challenge, this was pretty easy, but I still felt another hole, in my heart, that I didn't know why, or how to fix it, so I spent the night trying to drown it in butter beer and food as I laughed and talked with all the people at my table like I did back in Australia when I would go drinking with my mates.

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