Chapter Seven

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First of all, I'm sorry I've been gone so long for anyone who was reading or waiting, although I doubt it. I gave up and it was really hard getting myself to write this again, and I hope I won't give up anymore and see this through to the end. Thank you guys for every single second and heartbeat that you spend reading a word of mine, it really means the whole world to me. Your comments and any constructive criticism is appreciated, every vote is a smile on my face so thank you guys for that. I love you guys so much <3

Pointer, I changed their ages, they're all in grade 12 which would make them 17/18 years old.



I close my journal, wind the string around it and shove it in my drawer. I pick up the key from the picture frame, lock the drawer and fasten the clasps on the frame- the basic routine. I pat the key that is now in my pocket along with all my other house keys and then repeat on the other pocket and feel my mobile under the fabric.

Oliver. I need to call him.

"So are you ready?" I ask.

"Yeah, just give me five minutes."

"Were you asleep?"

"Oh no no I was just doing some homework."

"Five minutes and I'm getting into the car."

"Ten minutes, okay."

"No I said five minut-"

He hangs up the phone and I mutter expletives as I turn to my bed where a bouquet waits for me. It's going to get late soon, we have to get going so I press the intercom button.

"Sir?" a pause, "You buzzed me, Sir?"

"Yeah, get the car started Andrew. We're going over to Oliver's place."

"Right away, Sir." A click and his voice is gone.


"I told you five minutes Oliver, it's been twenty!" I'm yelling over the phone.

"Calm down we're not going to meet the freaking queen of England."

"Damn right we're not if you don't get your ass over here!"

"I told you I'm coming." And he hangs up on me, again. Next thing I know the car door is swinging open.

Oliver's obnoxious grin is in my face.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." His voice is even more annoying than his face.

"Wrong side of the- what are you talking about? We just got back from school two hours ago."

"Well, I don't know what goes on in the world of Dan Vader, but us normal kids tend to sleep when we come back from sch-" he pauses and a sarcastic smile forms on his face, but not just any sarcastic smile, it's the sarcastic smile. The perfect smile that pinches on both apples of his cheeks, revealing two rows of perfect teeth - some would say that smile is horrific (no shit, I actually have heard people say that). He squints his eyes and tilts his head back as he fake laughs.

Here we go.

"Let me guess. You couldn't sleep? Poor Dan couldn't sleep? What? You were thinking of her? You were crying over her? Well, Boo freaking hoo."

"I wasn't the one who told you to come. Get out if you don't want to."

All he does is smirk, and that aggravates me even more.

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