Chapter Two

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Two Weeks Before.

I'm panting, panting hard. My heart can barely keep up with how fast I'm breathing, but then again anyone who'd have just experienced what I did would be in the same boat. I look over to my left, as I lay in bed, and admire his glistening pale skin. I turn to my side, the covers stuck to my almost-exposed chest, take in the beauty of the sight before me. He's staring back at me, planting bushes of cotton candy in my cheeks.

"That was amazing." He says as he brushes damp hair away from my face with his fingertips.

"It was...something." That's all I could manage, since it was my first time.

We lay there in silence taking in each other's features. My eyes are getting tangled in his forest green eyes, hurting against the ever bright sunlight of his blonde hair and drowning in the love that emanates from him. This is real.

"Oliver" I say, without even realizing it. He turns his attention away from the fingers that are tracing constellations on my shoulder and looks into my eyes in earnest.

"I love you" I whisper. My thoughts seep into the air; into reality and I don't mind anymore. I have nothing to hide.

Except maybe he does. He still hasn't replied and my stomach's curling into itself. I said it too soon.

"I love you, too." He says as he pulls me to his chest. I feel like someone's wringing my heart. It's okay, he wouldn't of said it if he thought it was too soon (I think). I shiver against his icy skin and draw the covers up higher to our necks for warmth. I close my eyes and allow myself to get lost in the emotions I'm feeling.


"I'm sorry Viv, I just don't feel the same way."

"What do you mean you don't feel the same way? You freaking told me you loved me, you told me that you never felt this way. I let you worm your way into my life, you asshole!" I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks but my face reads pure anger, hurt and hatred. I want to murder him.

"Boy was worming into you good." He says as he winks at me with the most disgusting smug look on his face, I never thought his face could ever look so evil. "I still can't believe you actually thought I'd even like you, I mean look at you. You were nothing more than a conquest...and a good one at that." He isn't even looking at me as he verbally punches me. I instinctively have one hand around my neck and the other on my stomach; I can't breathe. I'm dying. I'm definitely dying. I look behind me to see who he's looking at and catch him eyeing some long-legged blonde. I hate him.

It happened way too fast for me to realize what I did; it took me a few blinking moments of looking back and forth from my hand to his face till I realized that I punched him. He's screaming at me, clutching his perfectly sculptured jaw and continuously calling me several things (a mix of: you ugly b**ch, f**king b**ch, f**king ugly b**ch).

A wave of accomplishment and satisfaction washes over me. I take the moment as an opportunity to do something I've always wanted to do: I knee him in the groin. I don't know why or what I'm running from but I feel exhilarated, alive and strong. After running a few blocks I eventually get tired and crouch on a sidewalk. I watch a man surprise his lover, baring a teddy bear and I can contain it no longer. I sit back and allow myself to cry at how stupid I am for believing that someone like him would fall for someone like me. I cry passionately, for all the right reasons but then people start to notice, so I suck it up and continue to walk back home with a quivering lip, burning eyes and an aching heart.

I decide to take the way home that leads through alley ways because I don't want to draw any attention to myself. I turn around a corner when a boy runs into me and knocks me down on the ground (hard). I look up to find one of the most gorgeous faces staring back at me. I feel stupid; Oliver just broke up with me and I'm admiring this random stranger. Stupid Vivienne, you're so stupid. I realize that throughout all of my mental slapping, I'm still soaking in this stranger's beauty. I get up in haste, apologize and continue to walk home. Don't look back. Don't look back. Don't look back.

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