Chapter Three

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"Daniel! Daniel? Daniel!" a disembodied voice is calling for me, not an unfamiliar one, but I don't want to answer it. I don't want to leave the comfort of my bed. One haste knock on the door and the door knob is turning, calling an end to my sweet slumber. 

  "Oh there you are Dan, I hope I didn't wake you." a rapid race of click, click, click and all the lights are on, momentarily blinding me. It's typical of my mother, really, that she would have words saunter out of her mouth without even meaning them, and yet somehow the words manage to sound as graceful and sweet as can be. An art that only my mother, no scratch that, proud and wealthy mothers can master. Don't get me wrong I don't hate her, I love my mother and appreciate her, but sometimes she can be a bit over bearing.

  "Oh no I was just bed, while lying down, with the lights off and during summer." I say dryly. 

"Stop the sarcasm, dear, you know we're having the Goldberg's over for dinner today. I thought you would be dressed by now. Shower up and wear that nice navy blue cardigan your father got you from Paris. They'll be here any minute now." she says as she taps me on the knee, signaling me to get up. She looks beautiful, her eyes glitter alongside the diamonds on resting on her neck, her hair swept to a low bun and her lips are pursed together in a glossy cherry red. I can't miss the wrinkles gathered around her eyes and forehead as she scowls at me. She's beautiful even when she's upset. 

  "The dinner. I'm so sorry I completely forgot, I'll be ready in fifteen minutes." I say as I kiss her on the cheek and rush to my en suit bathroom. I slip out of the robe and into the shower, where hot water threatens to scald my body, and the steam, to suffocate me. I finish up, shave and dress for the guests that have already arrived. To be honest I don't see the need for this whole gathering, but dinner parties are my mother's thing and I don't want to take that away from her. I look at myself in the mirror, make sure my sweater isn't creased anywhere, my white collar casually flattering the sweater and camel pants accent the outfit. Mom would like this. I spray some perfume behind my ears and hurry downstairs. 

  They're all sitting in the guest room, parents with glasses of sparkling mineral water and Oliver looking bored as hell, well until he sees me. 

"Daniel, I'm so glad you could join us." Mr. Goldberg looks up at me with the air of sophistication, as usual. I smile in return and take a seat not too far from Oliver.

"I hope I haven't kept you waiting, I-"

"Oh no it's fine Daniel, your mother filled us in on how you had to work late today in your father's office. I'm proud of you, but it's just weird to me that Oliver here never set foot in my office." Mr. Goldberg eyed Oliver. He was never one to hold back, no matter the place or the company. If he had something to say, he would say it. I look over to mom, masking my shock at the lie she told and then over to my dad, who smiles at me like nothing's wrong. I smile wider, compensating for the fact that it slightly faded. Then I look over at Oliver who looks a mix of confusion and hurt, although the only thing on his face is a pearly white smile gleaming in competition with his pale skin. The tension in the air grew from an idea to an elephant in a matter of seconds. Silence. 

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