Chapter Nine

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HEY LOVELY PEOPLE, I know I took super long to update but it's finally here! I hope you guys enjoy and tell me what you think about the chapter (especially about Oliver's thing :o). Enjoy xx



The sound of students rushing through the halls and gossiping about whatever new hot topic they have is dizzying in this early Friday morning. I take a sip of coffee as I walk toward English class and burn my tongue; I curse under my breath and look up to find Vivienne walking into class too and all of a sudden my tongue is the last thing on my mind.

The class is bright with sunlight that spills through rectangular windows and hits Vivienne's hair casting a golden glow to her face and I think she never looked more beautiful. She immediately notices me when I enter the room and the faintest smile forms on her lips, her hand barely moves but I recognize that she waved at me. I smile back at her and sit in my usual place, where Oliver comes to join me. When he looks at me he grins and takes a seat, then he starts to whistle cheerfully.

"Do I want to know?" I squint past the sunlight.

"I had one crazy night." He relaxes in his chair and folds his arms behind his head.

"You'd think you already slept with everyone there is to sleep with." I mocked.

"Just because of that ridiculous statement I think I should mention that I actually had two crazy nights." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"You mean you...?" I lower my voice and my eyes widen with realization.


"Way to go, double oh seven." I chuckle.

"You're just jealous you don't get any. Come on next time, join the fun, there's plenty to go around."

"No, thank you. Your lifestyle's uh...not for everyone."

"Oh please, Daniel, guys would do anything to get what I get."

Before I can speak Mr. Fitz walks in and starts assembling papers on his desk. There are two stacks of paper and I instantly hold a grudge over him for the amount of homework he's going to assign us.

"Good morning class, I have some exciting news for you but before I begin I must stress that it is strictly related to the upcoming assignment and must be taken with the utmost gravity." His face is stern. "Your assignment is to write about the glorious history of one of the most enchanting countries in the world -Italy. The assignment is due two weeks from now; it carries thirty percent of your grade."

"But Sir?" Anderson raises his hand the second Mr. Fitz takes a breath.

As if he could ever keep it down; Mr. Fitz sighs and answers him.

"Of course. Yes Anderson?"

"Where's the exciting news in this?" he's wearing the same quirky smile he always has.

"If you would have allowed me to continue, you would have already found out that we're having a fieldtrip... to Italy." The second the words "field trip" and "Italy" left his mouth the class goes up in claps, squeals and hollers and at that point Mr. Fitz breaks out into a grin.

"Now, now calm down. For the week that we will be spending there we have booked a tour guide to take us to the most famous historical landmarks, and give us an in depth view of what life in Italy is really like. In this visit it is strictly forbidden to run off-" he's broken off by several giggles and comments, but when he continues his voice firmer than before. "It is strictly forbidden to run off from the group or skip any event. If you feel unwell you will remain in the hotel and you will be supervised. Papers with more information and parental consent forms are on the desk, collect one on your way out."

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