Chapter Eleven

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She walks out of the closet in a short, body hugging flaming-hot red dress and her equally captivating hair is pulled up in a high pony tail revealing her long neck. Her eyes are rimmed in black, which makes her blue eyes become deceivingly greyish blue, her cheeks are drenched in pink and her lips...her lips look utterly inviting. My eyes drag themselves from one hypnotizing detail to another before I remember my tongue.

"Vivienne, you look...beautiful." I scratch the back of my head and enjoy the sight of her blushing at my stare.

"You don't look too bad yourself." she says through a tight lipped smile.

"Shall we?"

"Yeah sure, just let me grab my coat."

I feel a sigh of relief escape through my lips because if she were to go out like that...I don't know if men are going to be able to peel their eyes off her. The last thing I want is dirty, lustful eyes raking her body.

"Ready, signore?" she stands next to me, I place my hand on the small of her back and watch her lips part ever so slightly as she inhales in response to my touch. I smile at the effect I have on her, glad that it's not one sided. Then I notice the sweet scent of her perfume and the warmth of her body, which ignites something within me I thought I would never feel again. Tonight's going to be much more trying than I thought.

"Let's get this night started." My heart races at the night unfolding exactly how I far. We walk all the way to the door before her sister, Daisy, stops us.

"Evie! Wait, if mom and dad ask you're at Jenny's. Okay?"

I like her already.

"Love you, Dais!" Vivienne blows her a kiss and we walk out the door.

"What? No limo?" Vivienne asks sarcastically.

"I was going to go with a limo but then I thought a smaller car would be...more fitting for our first date, a limo's for when we need privacy on our other dates." I smirk at her and watch her sarcastic smile fade into a shy one.

"Other dates? Someone's confident." She mocks as we walk down the stairs and to the car.

"Oh yeah. You'll see."

"I'm not too sure I'll like you enough for another date." She scrunches up her face.

"I'm not too sure you'll be capable of keeping your paws off me." I retort while opening the passenger door for her.

"I guess we'll see then, won't we Mr. Know It All?" she looks up at me through her lashes and I count five breaths before I break the eye contact and walk to the driver's seat.

"What time is it?" I ask and fire up the engine.

"It's 7:00. When's the reservation?"

"7:15, but we'll make it in time. I'll just have to put a little wind in your hair." I wink at her, shift gears and step on the gas pedal. She takes a deep, steadying breath as she looks at my hand on the steering wheel. I grin to myself because I can tell what she's thinking of.

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