Chapter Six

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The school bell rings and I practically feel relief introduce itself to my bloodstream and accommodate itself in my red blood cells. The last thing I wanted was to find out that Dan's in art class. It was supposed to be my retreat. Yet another plot twist on the first page of this new book I'm supposed to be writing.

  Go figure.

  Welcome to the unfortunate world of Vivienne.

  I'm sitting outside in the waiting area, watching BMW X6's and Porsche Cayenne's roll by, pausing only for the students with upturned noses to, so royally, enter them. I don't move from my place for an approximate ten minutes. I like sitting here, observing, contemplating and reflecting. It's chilly, so I'm wearing the black jumper I brought along with me, my beanie hugs my skull with warmth and skinny jeans define my legs. I can smell autumn in the air, leaves several shades of yellow, orange, red and everything in between. They're just starting to pluck themselves off of the trees, claiming independence from their leashes.

  I'm not waiting for anyone to come by and pick me up, I told my parents that I prefer walking home and upon hearing that they practically got a heart attack. I explained that it helps keep me inspired and, as an artist, you can never get enough of that. I reassured them that I'd be just fine walking alone, naively thinking that's the problem, but they almost rendered me speechless when they said that it's 6 km away, which I, frankly, did not see coming. So I said the first thing that sprung into my mind: a bicycle. For a second they looked quizzical, but after some more convincing they reluctantly agreed. And I think the main reason why they did agree, has to do with the humiliating fact that, I, a 17 year old, do not know how to ride a bicycle.

  I practiced over the summer, and so far, I can get the bicycle going but my control on steering is pathetic, I panic whenever I get close to a human which is basically all the time. It's safe to say I managed to injure myself quite a few times. I walk over to my bicycle, remove the chain and start walking it toward the sidewalk. I pause to plug in my headphones, block out the rest of the world, and then, walk alongside my bicycle. I start humming and bobbing my head to the music but I have this weird feeling someone's following me. I don't turn back because it's stupid and it's probably just me. So I continue to do what I was doing when tap tap tap on my shoulder and I turn around and tug at my headphones in one swift motion. My heart is racing.


  "What the hell?" I nearly shout.

  "I'm sorry I tried to be gentle but you freaked out, chill! I'm no axe murderer." He throws his hands up in the air in submission.

  "What do you want?" I'm in no mood for this, whatever he wants I'm sure it's Oliver related and pointless. Guys. I roll my eyes.

  "You dropped it when you were unlocking the padlock on your bicycle, I hadn't seen it until I—well anyway, here." His hand is held out to me, palm spread open to face the sky, bearing my mobile.

  ", thanks. I didn't realize it fell."

  "You should really zip up your backpack, that way you'll stop unknowingly losing things." He smiles, shoves his hands in his pockets and lifts his shoulders. The sun shines in his direction, like a halo illuminating his features, drawing concentric circles of honey in his brown eyes. He looks beautiful. I look away.

  "Yeah, okay. Thank you, again." And with that I turn around, plug in my headphones and pretend to be looking through the tracks on my ipod, I can still feel him looking at me. I shove the ipod in my pocket, put my phone back in my bag and zip it up this time. A hint of a smile forms on my lips. Whatever.

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