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"What's the deal?" Christian's face took a serious turn and his eyes read for Alex's expression. Jay, Grey and Kai got up from their sitting positions on the ground. Alex's eyes darted towards me and then to Christian. He didn't want me to know. Christian never involved me in too much. Alex knew that and always withheld from bringing up too much around me. Christian gave me a look and I understood. I walked towards the hallway and opened the door to the bathroom. Whatever it was it was starting to give me anxiety.

I held my ear close to the door. Yeah I wanted to know. A low but even voice mumbled. Alex was talking. "-just now on my way back."

"Man hold on why is this lame ass bitch still running his mouth." I heard Kai's voice rising in anger.

"He mentioned her -" Alex's baritone voice continued. I struggled to hear what he said next. Until Christian's usual goofy tone sounded and the tone of his voice sliced through my skin, he sounded pissed. "This is exactly why the fuck I didn't want him to leave alive." I couldn't hear anymore. What the fuck happened. I turned the golden door knob on the door and creaked it open. Making it obvious that I was going to come out so they would know.

I made my way back to the living room. And I saw Alex come into view. His demeanor always confident. Relaxed. Even when he was mad. He seemed bothered, his eyes annoyed. He was deep in thought but they were all silent. Christian's face was completely set in stone. His jawline clenched and his eyes seeming so focused on the wall that I swore he could have burned a hole through it. Kai turned to me with a fake smile and loose attempt at being his usual goofy self. "What's up sugar. I was starting to miss you."

"Is everything good?" I immediately turned to Christian. He didn't answer. Alex flicked his eyes over at me and I made eye contact. There was no emotion in his eyes. "Just some bitch trying to act hard like always." Christain's voice interrupted my staring contest with Alex. I turned to him. "And who is this said bitch?" Alex answered that for me. "Gabriel." That name tore through the tension in the room. Gabriel. He used to be around. He used to be like family. He helped me through everything I went through last year when Christian was in prison.

He is a bitch tho. He never cared about us and never will and I don't care about him anymore. "What's he doing? Saying he's gonna kill you again?" Gabriel had tried staring shit so many times since he stopped being on our side. Things he would never actually be capable of doing.

Alex and Christian gave eachother a look. A look that was definitely trying to say something.
"Whatever he's a pussy anyway it's not like he's gonna do anything." Grey chimed in.

"Nothing but a pussy." muttered Kai picking up a lighter from the table and moving a blunt towards his lips. He struck the lighter and the fire illuminated lighting the brown wrapped stick. He puffed and the aroma of weed spread throughout the room. He dramatically sighed and leaned back. I smirked and stretched my fingers out wanting next. He handed it to me and I puffed before passing it to Grey. Christian and Alex stood. The energy was tense.

Christian and Alex were tall and both built. Their anger was definitely not something that couldn't be noticed. I started to feel small under them and their looks at eachother and looking around the room like they were contemplating something. Kai and Grey started muttering and giggling smacking eachother on the arms when they made eachother laugh. My own laughter wanted to bubble out of my throat but there was something about Alex and Christian that I couldn't shake.

They had dealt with many many dudes talking shit and trying to fight. Even Gabriel himself in the past. They were pretty confident and self assured never really caring too much about it because at the end of the day, they never got touched. Gabriel had threatened them before.

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