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I try wrapping my brain around what the fuck just happened. I feel dopamine surging in my brain. That was the best thing I've ever fucking experienced. Feeling her skin to skin with me. It felt like I could melt into her. I zip my pants up.

She walks back out of the bathroom. Looking sleepy. Her face is soft and her mascara slightly smeared. My white hoodie is draping over her body again. It's 9pm. Quinces don't end until till well into 1 am. "You want to go back?" I ask. "Mhm. In a bit." She mumbles. Rubbing her eyes. "I have to fix my makeup." she smiles. She looks at me and I can see her eyes speaking a million words. "It hurts." is all her soft voice says. "Bitch." she insults me.

I snort. She smiles slightly. "I don't wanna hurt you Flor- Tell me if it hurts too much so I can stop- "I didn't want you to stop she says." Her hair tilting slightly while she fiddled with the necklace on her neck. She looks so fucking cute. What she says sends goosebumps down my body. How is she so freaky yet look so innocent and how does she says things so boldly. She walks up to me and kisses me. I grip her waist and hold her for a second.

My phone starts ringing. I pick up the phone and Christian's name is blinking on the screen. I answer. "Yo." "Where the fuck did you guys go. Is Flor okay?" "Yeah we came home so she could change into something more comfortable." His voice hesitates. "I don't believe that but ok. What about her seeing him? Did she say anything." he grunts.

"She's good. Just caught her off guard. We'll be back soon."
He pauses "You better have used a fucking condom."
Christian grumbles before he hangs up. Flor can hear the conversation and her eyebrows raise. She puffs her lips out.

"We definitely did not." She walks out and towards the guest room where all her things are. I don't like the thought that she'd go back to her apartment. I huff at the thought. I want her near me. I go into thr bathrooms I use a baby wipe to wipe off her cum that's still on my dick. I want her to feel good. There's a part of me that's nervous. I don't want any bad feelings coming up for her. I flush and wash my hands looking into the mirror. I adjust my shirt that I put back on. My shoes too.

Flor comes back into the room. She's fixed her makeup. The smeared mascara is gone and her lips have red lipgloss on them. She's changed into different clothes. A small black dress that's tight on her body. Her waist is exposed with only two string crossed over eachother attaching the top of the dress to the bottom. Her curves are amazing. "You did say I came to change she smiled.

"You look good." I grumble. Jesus I love her energy. It amplifies her ten times more. "Thank you Alex." her sweet voice croons. She has strappy heels on. She smells so comforting. Her perfume is my favorite scent now. But her hair always smells like real roses. We walk out of the house and back into the car.
We arrive at the venue once again. I look at Alex before getting out of the car. "Don't tell them we just did that." I say softly holding back a smile and failing. He looks at me a small smile on his face.

"Wouldn't even think to." Alex and I walk up the steps towards the entrance. The party is still live. There's more people here now than before we left. I can see Kai standing outside with Grey and Christian. "Wassupp baby! Where did you go." He extends his arm and gives me a side hug. "You loook good." I turn and look at Christian who's giving me a look. An I don't believe you went to change look.

"What happened to that girl you were talking to." I ask him. His expression changes a smile slightly turning his mouth up. "She's dancing inside." he says. "Hmm." I see him talk to girls to flirt but he seems flustered slightly when I mention her. That's interesting. I guess it'd be cool for him to get married and give me a niece of nephew. Jay walks over from inside.

"I think I see a familiar car pulling up." He says. His jaw is tense and he looks at Christian. Alex looks behind me and sure enough. Gabriel's car is pulling into the parking lot. Jesus I'd rather have Skyler here than him. I groan. "It's always something." "Ugly ass bitch." Says Grey as he watches Gabriel get out of the car. I turn to look. I wanna beat his ass.

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