Morning after heartache

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I wake up and as soon as my brain process everything that happened yesterday I feel stressed again. I get up and workout trying to distract myself.

I don't think Alex would cheat.
I can't fathom that happening.
That bitch was snotty and gross when she came up to us at the store. But my defenses are up and I don't want to be dumb for believing him if it's not true.

I want to see him. He texted me this morning.
"Goodmorning Flor. I miss you."

I feel bad. I don't want to be mad at him when it wasn't his fault. I just need to talk to Kai. I believe Alex. I do. I'm pretty sure my mind is made up. But I'm anxious.

I'm finished with my workout and I strip my clothes before stepping into my shower. I can move in to my new house the day after tomorrow. I'm pretty much all packed. There's only the day to day necessities I still need. I lather my shampoo through my hair.

The water stings my skin and I relax. I just want his sweet self to kiss me. I feel my heart ache. I trust him. Completely.

But that fucking bitch really had to throw herself on him? What the fuck. My blood boils. If I ever see her prissy self again I'm going to fuck her up.

I blow dry my hair and get myself ready. I'm wearing a brown tight fit crop top with blue semi baggy jeans. I put on my airforces and add my jewlery. My hair is curled now and I add light makeup with highlight in my inner corners.

I hear my door unlock and Christian's voice booms out. "Florecitaaaa I got you that fruity drink you like." I walk out into the living room and Christian is holding a starbucks drink with a small brown bag. "Andd a sandwhich." Kai adds as he walks in through the door way. I haven't seen Kai since before we left for Arizona.

"Kaiiii." I smile and he extends his arms out for me. I fall into his embrace. "You can't be out here almost dying Flor." he mumbles into my ear. I smirk and take the food from them greatful because I haven't eaten yet.

They sit down on the sofas which are still there until the moving trucks come in a couple days. "So. Kai told me that Madeline kissed Alex." Christian explains. "That fucking dirty bitch she harassed him! I had to throw my fucking doctor pepper on her to get her to let go of him!" Kai yells animatedly.

"I believe him." I grumble. "She fucking went up to him at the store when we were together being all fuckung weird. Girl can't take a hint." I take a sip of my drink. I slightly giggle. "You threw your Dr Pepper on her?" "I sho did." he says confidently biting into his food.

Christian exhales. "He's sad." he blurts. Referring to Alex. Oh fuck. I should text him. I was so emotional last night I needed to be alone. But I never wanted to lash out on him. It never sat right in my gut that he would do that.

"I need to text him." I say pulling my phone out. "No. No." Christian says. "Go to him." Kai says dramatically waving his hand in the air. They giggle and I smirk. "Good idea."

They stay behind munching on their Starbucks. I walk out to my car and start the drive to Alex's. I feel sad. Sad because he's sad. Sad because he went to go see his mom yesterday and then came home to deal with this. How the fuck did Gabriel even get that picture.

What are the fucking odds both him Alex and that girl were all at that gas station out of town. I don't let my anxiety take over. I pull into Alex's gated yard and park. I feel almost nervous. What if he's mad at me for not instantly believing him.

I walk up to the door and turn the knob quietly. The living room is empty and I walk down the hall into his room. He's shirtless and asleep on his sheets. His face seems troubled instead of serene.

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