||27.5|| A lonely Phone On A Tripod

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While Tubbo and Ranboo watched the stars and murmured sweet nothings to each other, two little gremlins recorded everything behind bushes.

As Ranboo confessed, Lani had stuffed Tommy's mouth with leaves, because he almost screamed outloud, grabbing the attention of others. Gladly he was muffled by leaves.

Yep. You heard me. Leaves. And for Tommy? That indicated a leaf war, and boy, Tommy was ready. And so was Lani.

Tommy grabbed a fistful of some leaves, and threw it on Lani's silky golden brown hair. She jumped, zipping her mouth for the sake of his brother and Ranboo's confession thing.

"You're on Tommy fucking innit." The smaller grinned with a glare sharp as the point of a knife.

She grabbed another fistful, and smashed in Tommy's face.

That little leaf fight, plus some grass mixed in the bit, went on for about an hour. At one point, the two little teens had green leaves poking out of there mouths, unable to speak.

While that bit happened, the poor lonely camera that belonged to Tommy's phone that sat on a tripod, recording the cute moment between our beloved Tubbo and Ranboo.

Neither Lani or Tommy had realized the phone sitting there as lonely as it can be, as they moved further away, forgetting the task at hand. It was only when Ranboo had shockingly shrieked, which was rare, the two teens remembered big man Ranboo was confessing.

What bothered Lani, and Tommy too, was that they missed the whole thing live. How stupid they were.

They spat out the leaves, and returned to the tripod that remained untouched for a hour. They quietly peaked over the large green mess of bushes which had lost a few handful of leaves.

The two boys were star gazing, from Lani's point of view. Tommy had thought they were flirting, which was quite true, bit not entirely.

They decided to head back before they got caught, which should've happened way before now. It's a miracle they didnt get caught.

Lani just assumed they were deaf. Tommy agreed without hesitating. It's common for them being deaf, since they're already blind.

So they left, Tommy sending the video to Lani. They left grinning like idiots who got icecream.


W/C: 371

The amount of sarcasm in this chapter... holy sheet-
This is just the point of view from Tommy and Lani, which was chaos.

Lol, hope u enjoyed this weird ass shit. Love ya all and take care of yourselves!! You are loved and important to many.


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