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"Ah, man. This is it." Lucas said as we rode our bikes to a stop. A red and white striped fence stood in front of us. One that we would ignore, of course. 

Thunder rumbled in the distance. "Hey, guys. You feel that?" Dustin asked referring to the sprinkle of rain that had just dropped onto his cheek. "I think maybe we should go back-"

"No." Mike quickly added, "We're not going back. Just stay close." He glanced to me then back at Dustin, "Come on." Me and Dustin shared a look of doubt, which Mike seemed to notice. "Just stay on channel six," he reassured before looking back to Dustin, "and don't do anything stupid."

Soon, Lucas and Mike started walking into the woods. Hesitantly, I began to follow the two before looking back to see Dustin was still just standing there. I could see the fear in his eyes. I mean, it had pretty good reason for being there. We hadn't told anyone where we were going because we didn't want to get in trouble, but it seemed like getting into trouble should have been the least of our concerns. 

Before I knew it, I was reaching my hand out towards him, "c'mon, let's find Will." His eyes lit up as he took my hand and we ran to catch up with the others. 



"Which polymers occur naturally?"

"Starch and cellulose." Nancy replied looking to the side in thought before quickly returning her gaze to Steve who hummed and flipped the card to the back of the stack he was holding.

He blankly began reading the next card, "In a molecule of CH4, the hydrogen atoms are spatially oriented towards the centers of-"

"Tetrahedron." she cut him off with a smile.

"Wow. Jesus, how many of these did you make?" He began, clearly bored with how things were going. He quickly flipped through some of the cards.

"You said you wanted to help." She replied, noticing his impatient demeaner.

He sighed before putting down the cards, with a clearly bad idea on his mind, "How about this? How about.. every time that you get something right, I have to take off an item of clothing. But every time that you get something wrong-"

"Uh, pass." she, thankfully, replied. 

"Oh, come on. come on~" He said in a playful, but not very convincing, tone.


"Come on, it'll be fun." He nudged.


"During fractional distillation, hydrocarbons are separated according to their-" He continued, implying his rules would apply from then on out.

"Melting point." She confidently answered, determined not to lose his stupid game.

He flipped over the cards and clicked his tongue, " Ooh, it's boiling points."

"That's what I meant." She shyly panicked.

"Yeah, that's not what you said~" He gestured to his collar, looking at her- "OH SHIT-" He shot up off of her bed.

"Huh? Steve?" She questioned, seeing his sudden panicked state. 

"SHITSHITSHITHSITHSIHSISHSIHTIHSHa;hFLJK" He stuttered while rummaging around and grabbing his things.

"Steve?" She attempted to get his attention which didn't really help much.


"STEVE!" She yelled a little too loud, though, finally getting his attention.

He locked eyes with her before simply stating, "Jamie."

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