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"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG- WOOOOOOO!!" Nancy threw the can to the ground and did a little curtsey. 

"Barb, you wanna try?" She asked, noticing Barb's expression.

"What? No." She replied with certainty. Nancy reached for a can, smiling. "No, I don't want to. Thanks." 

"Come on." She brought the can over to Barb.

"Yeah, come on, yeah." Steve encouraged.

"Nance, I don't want to." She sternly told her.

"It's fun! Just give it a-"

"Nance.." She pleaded.

"Just... Just give it a shot." Nancy insisted.

"Okay.." She said, giving in and standing up. She could never refuse Nancy for long even when she knew it would probably be better if she did. She carefully put the knife in place before putting pressure. "So you just.. AH-" She seethed. The knife jabbed into her hand.

"Gnarly" Tommy laughed.

"Are you okay?"


"Barb, you're bleeding."

"I'm fine." She urged before turning to Steve, "Where's your bathroom?"


I sat in bed with my headphones connected to my Walkman, playing 'Should I Stay or Should I Go?' by The Clash. I bobbed my head to the beat and mouthed the lyrics. 

"It's cool right?"

"Yeah, I like it."

"My brother showed me this.. He said it was the good stuff. I can show you more if you want."


"Yeah, if Jonathan will let me borrow one of his mixtapes! Or we could go to my house or yours if you have a-"

"Oh no, your house would be cool. You probably have the better tech anyway."

"Haha, probably. My brother is really into that stuff. He knows all the best songs and everything!"

"Your brother must be great."

"Yeah, he's the best."

I'm brought back to reality with the sound of someone rummaging around or wandering or something in the hallway. I figured it was Steve and I could go tell him to shut up. I got up and opened the door, expecting to see anything but what was in front of me. Some random red headed girl who looked like she did not belong here at all was bleeding like crazy and I'm assuming was looking for a bathroom.

"Oh, god, are you okay?" I asked, genuinely worried about this kind looking girl.

"Uh, yeah, Steve gave me directions to the bathroom and I kind of got it mixed up and-"

"Ugh, that idiot- here, let me show you." I brought her to the bathroom and grabbed her some bandages from the cabinet as she washed her cut.

"So, uh.. you must me Jamie?" she looked up at me before looking back down to bandage herself.

"Steve talks about me? I'm assuming only good things." I joked. She smiled a little.

"Well, Nancy asked about you when he invited her to the party."

"So you're Nancy's friend- that makes sense."

"Oh yeah, I'm Barb." She went to hold out her hand but ended up opting not to because of, well, blood and bandages. 

Before we could continue our conversation, we heard the door open. We both looked at each other and left the bathroom, going our separate ways. Well, not really. I stayed near and eavesdropped. 

"Nance! Nancy. Where are you going?"

"Nowhere. Just... upstairs, to change. I... fell in the pool." There was silence before she spoke again, "Why don't you go ahead and go home. I'll just... I'll get a ride or something."


"Barb... I'm fine."

"This isn't you."

"I'm fine. Just... go ahead and go home, okay?" She walked back up the stairs.

"Are.. are you okay?"

"Huh?" She responded surprised to see I had heard all of that.

"Sorry.. I kinda.. eavesdropped.."

"Oh, I'm fine.. It's fine.. I'm just gonna wait outside."

"You sure? It's pretty cold."

"Yeah, I'll be fine, thanks." As she walked out the door I began to feel overwhelmingly nauseous. 

I ran to the bathroom and locked the door before kneeling over the toilet, gagging. Before long I ended up backed against the wall adjacent, having thrown up all of the nothing I'd eaten today. I sat there for a good few seconds, deciding to get up and splash water on my face. I stood up shakily and made my way to the mirror. My vision was blurring and a dark blue tint kept flashing in and out. I reached for the faucet and everything went blank.

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