Where's Jamie?

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"Come on, come on, come on..." Nancy muttered into the school phone listening to the dial impatiently. She was calling Ms. Holland, Barbs mother, about where she'd been. You see, Barb did not show up to school that day which was unusual and considering what had happened the night before, there was reason for worry. 

The conversation was short and vague though Ms. Holland was sure to catch on with the inconsistencies on Nancy's part. "Sorry to bother you." She apologized, hanging up the phone, guilt racking in her bones. Where was Barb.. What if something happened to her? What if it's all my fault? A thousand thoughts raced through her head as she resigned from the phone and into the busy parking lot. 


"No, this is called stalking." Steve stated handing the photos to Carol who studied them as Nancy approached. Steve and his couple of goons were 'talking' with Jonathan. 

"What's going on?" Nancy asked just entering the conversation. 

"Here's the starring lady." Tommy mocked with a smile on his face. 

"What?" She was genuinely confused at this point. 

"This creep was spying on us last night." Carol answered. Nancy looked over to Jonathan in confusion. "He was probably gonna save this one for later." She took the image from Carol and examined it. It was Nancy. Taking off her shirt in Steve's room. 

"See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but, man that's the thing about perverts." He walked closer to Jonathan in a threatening manner, "It's hardwired into 'em. You know, they just can't help themselves." He patted the other boy on the shoulder before tearing the photo he had in his hands into shreds. Tommy laughed in the background. "So, we'll just have to take away his toy."

"Steve." Nancy pleaded as he walked over to where they had put Jonathan's stolen bag. 

"-No, please, not the camera." Jonathan said, the first words Nancy had heard from him since she got there. She assumed from shame or embarrassment or maybe that he just didn't even care. Though now he was walking towards Steve. Before he can do anything Tommy is holding him back.

"No, no, wait, wait... Tommy, Tommy." Steve addressed as Tommy lowered his hand. Steve was not holding the camera. "It's okay. Here ya go, man." He held it out and as Jonathan went to grab it he cruelly let it drop to the pavement, shattering. Next thing he knew Steve was walking away with his posse in toe though Nancy had stayed behind. 

As soon as they had left he scrambled to the ground immediately going for the camera. Nancy stood conflicted. She was unsettled for sure with the picture he had taken but at the same time she felt like this was too much. With everything he must have been going through, even if with the pictures, he didn't deserve this. No one did. Mid-thought Nancy spotted something in one of the torn papers on the ground. She knelt down and examined the photo. It was Barb. Maybe Jonathan could be more useful to her search for Barb than previously anticipated. 

"Hey, Nance!" Steve yelled back from a distance, "Come on." She quickly fumbled to gather all the shreds of ripped up remnant of her one of her only chances at finding Barb. The other being the only person she hadn't asked that was there that night. Jamie. 


"El!" Mike was rolling his bike up the hill as Dustin and Lucas followed suit, "You okay?" The girl nodded and Mike patted the back of his bicycle, "Hop on. We only have a few hours." The girl started to walk towards him and the bike.

"Yeah, and we have to stop by Jamie's first." Dustin added.

"Jamie?" The one called El questioned.

"I'll explain on the way, but we've got to go now." Mike responded. El followed and set herself on the back of Mike's bike as they sped off. 

"Jamie is our friend. She got sick on the night we found you and had to leave." Lucas provided as they biked past his and Mike's houses. 

"Yeah, she hasn't come to school in a few days so we thought we should check up on her." Dustin and Lucas's explanation seemed to be enough for the girl as she sat quiet for the rest of the long ride as the three boys bickered as usual. 


As they arrived they were surprised to bump into a frantic looking Nancy. It looked as if she were running from someone or something. "Nancy?"

"Mike? What are you doing here?" She exclaimed in disbelief. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you wanted to go to that dumb school game thing." Mike argued.

"I was looking for someone. And who's that?"

"Who, you're boyfriend?" He disregarded her second question.

"We are looking for someone too." Dustin piped up.

"We came here to check on Jamie." Lucas finished.

"Jamie? She's still sick?" Nancy questioned, remembering Steve's comment.

"We think so. She hasn't come to school since she got sick. Why do you care anyway?" Mike was becoming visibly frustrated. "And why did you look so scared a minute ago?"

"I care about people you know, I'm not heartless. And I thought I saw something.." Nancy supplied.

"Okay well, we're gonna go see her now." He said impatiently. 

"I'm coming too." She insisted.


"Like I said. I thought I saw something." That was it before they all trod up to the door. Nancy was glancing at the unfamiliar girl every few seconds, wondering where she came from or maybe why she's basically bald. Mikes knocking on the door snapped her out of her thoughts. There was no response, but the door cracked open from his force. It was unlocked.

"Do we go in?" Dustin questioned. Nobody responded but Mike pushed the door further, stepping in. 

"Mike, you can't just barge into someone's house. This is breaking and entering!" Nancy scolded. 

"It's for her own well being. Plus we know her, it's fine." Mike crept inside the dark house, the others toeing behind him. The floorboards creaking was the only sound it seemed in the whole house. There was a faint light emitting from a room around the corner. Jamie's room. Mike took the lead in heading toward the room. He slowly pushed the door open and inside was not what anyone expected. It was an empty room, the lamp on the nightstand beaming throughout. The bed sheets were splayed open with an open comic gently placed atop. 

Where's Jamie?

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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