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"Will! Will!" Mike repeated as we walked, drenched, through the rain in the woods.

"Byers!" Lucas continued.

"I've got your X-Men 134!" Dustin yelled as if Will would immediately pop out from behind a tree to his offer. 

"C'mon Will!" I shouted into the rain, "It's just us!"

"Guys, I really think we should turn back." Dustin suggested worriedly for about the fifth time since we entered the woods.

"Seriously, Dustin? You wanna be a baby, then go home already!" Lucas said, seemingly quite fed up at the moment. 

"Lucas!-" I wacked his arm, "Not only was that rude, but Dustin's right! We are putting ourselves into direct danger." I argued, half feeling bad for Dustin and half genuinely scared.

"You too, Jamie? C'mon-" Lucas started disappointingly. 

"Look, I'm not saying you should turn back. In fact, I think you should keep looking for Will! But what I am saying, is that there is a serious possibility of whatever happened to Will, happening to us if we keep this up." I pause, "And I don't wanna hold you guys back."

"Hold us back?" He said genuinely confused.

 I hesitated, "Yeah, I've not been feeling great. Maybe it's allergies or the rain or something-"

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" He softened his words slightly, feeling bad for being so harsh before.

"I suggest me and Dustin go back and we can communicate through our walkie's. That way, if you run into anything, me and Dustin have your backs." I stated confidently, as I had secretly been making this plan in my head this whole time.

"That's a great idea!" Dustin exclaimed.

"Fine, but only because Jamie's not feeling well." He rolled his eyes and continued with Mike as me and Dustin turned to the opposite direction.

"Thanks." He said still looking at the ground as we walked side by side.

"For what? Being sick?" I replied jokingly.

"No! Of course not- You- you know what I mean." He quickly denied while tripping over his words. I laughed softly.

"Yeah, I could tell how scared you were. And I mean, I was too. I just.. I didn't want to seem like I didn't care about Will. You know?" 

Before he could answer, someone had rushed in front of us- 

"Jamie! What the hell are you doing out here!?"

"Steve?" Me and Dustin said in unison.

"How? How did you find me? Why did you find me?"

"I saw a bunch of bikes just lying on the side of the road- Wait- I asked you first! What are you doing out here?"

"Looking for Will!"

"That missing kid? Are you crazy? It's raining balls out here and your looking for that random kid?"

"He's my best friend! And why do you care anyway? You've never worried about where I am! I haven't been home in weeks!"

"Yeah, dipshit! Mom sent me to go find you after your little friend ran away!"

"SHE'S NOT A DIPSHIT AND HE DIDN'T RUN AWAY YOU NANCY-BANGING BASTARD!!" Dustin screeched out all of a sudden. 

Silence would have engulfed us if it weren't for the pounding rain and occasional crash of thunder. To say the least, it was awkward. Steve clearly did not expect that, and frankly, neither did I. I don't think Dustin even expected it, and he said it.

"Who the hell is this kid." He deadpanned, looking at me and gesturing to Dustin as if he had just noticed his presence. 

"Dustin. His names Dustin." I said blankly, still taking in what he had just said.

"Ok well.. Bye Dustin." He said grabbing my arm and dragging me in a random direction I assumed would be the way to his car.  

Dustin looked at me with slight panic, "bye... Dustin-" I gave him an apologetic look as I was dragged away leaving him behind in the rain.

"Bye.." He whispered to himself. Just then, multiple things clicked in his brain. One being the obvious connection he had failed to put together before. Jamie Harrington and Steve Harrington where brother and sister. It made sense to why she always got quiet when they mentioned him and why she mostly stayed with Mike. Why they never hung out at her house or knew where it was for that matter. It all made sense. He couldn't believe it hadn't crossed his mind once. Did the others know? Was it because he joined the party late? Or was he just an idiot? 

Before he could finish his thought, a burst of static sounded from his walkie talkie. Did they find Will? Or was there something more sinister awaiting? Or maybe they found something else.. or rather, someone else.

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