
28 1 2

I awake with a pounding headache, blood trickling down from my nose onto my clothes. As I come to I begin to recollect hearing the not so faint screams of someone nearby.  Nancy. They were screaming Nancy. Wait- where am I?

I rub my eyes and come to see a twisted version of what was before. A cold, blue tint to everything, weird particles in the air, and mysteriously disgusting vines. The screams. Getting louder, more panicked. 

"Barb?" I whispered to myself.

I shot to my feet before stumbling over myself from the sudden movement. It all felt so strange. Unnatural. My head pounding as I tripped over myself navigating to the faint familiar voice. Outside, through the window and past the now almost sticky feeling blinds. The light from the pool was gone and in it's place an ever deafening silence. What was more jarring was the lack of water. 

Something is wrong. Where is Barb? Why can't I hear her anymore? Why am I so cold?


Maybe I shouldn't be following the sounds of danger. In fact, it's probably the last thing I should be doing. But if pursuing the screams has any chance of finding another person in this empty wasteland, it would be worth it. Right?

Getting closer, the horrifying screams suddenly stop altogether. 

"Hello? Is anyone-" 

"Will?" A familiar voice calls from behind me.

"Jamie? How did you-" she cuts me off again, this time with a bone breaking hug. The kind only she manages to make sort of endearing in stead of extremally annoying or painful. 

"I was so worried about you. We were so worried about you." She paused, "Where are we?"

"I.. I don't really know." I said, unsure about how to answer as it had been the same question I'd been asking myself since I got here. "Hey, did you hear that screaming a minute ago?"

"Shit. Barb!" she stated as if she had just been reminded of something extremally important. She frantically looked to the empty pool beside us and started climbing down the latter inside. I decided to follow, though hesitantly. 

"Barb..." she was holding a pair of glasses that looked to be somewhat shattered. She shoved them in her pocket and looked back at me. "Let's go."



"I still don't get why she didn't show up." Dustin said as he knelt down looking at rocks.

"I told you Dustin, she felt sick didn't she?" 


"So she's probably still at home." Lucas interrupted as he examined another rock in his hand.

"But don't you think it was weird that Steve came to get her? What if her parents found out?" He asked a little panicked. 

"No. She was at my house for like a week- and Will just went missing. If I was her parents I'd worry too." Mike interjected the conversation. It seemed to be enough to convince them. 

"Yeah, plus we can check up on her after school." Lucas ended the conversation there and all of them went on searching for the perfect slingshot ammo.

 It was recess and they were outside so they took the opportunity to follow up on the plan they had made prior to school. When they had all decided Eleven was more use to them then they had previously anticipated, they began looking for Will in all new ways. That is what led them here, searching for rocks in the cold. 

"How about this one?" Mike asked showing one of the stones to Dustin.

"Too big for the sling." He responded tossing  it back down to the grass. "So do you think Eleven was born with her powers, like the X-Men, or do you think she acquired them, like... like Green Lantern?"

"She's not a superhero. She's a weirdo." Lucas deadpanned. 

"Why does that matter? The X-Men were weirdos."

"If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?" Lucas mocked leaning towards Mike. 

"What are you talking about?" He asked as if genuinely confused.

"Mike, seriously?"


"You look at her all, like 'Hi El! El! El! El! I love you so much!" He grabbed Mike and got down on one knee, "Would you marry me?" Dustin was just watching in amusement. 

"Shut up, Lucas." Mike responded, annoyed.

"Yeah shut up, Lucas." Their faces quickly turned from amusement to fear as their two bullies, Troy Walsh and James Dante walked up to them. "What are you losers doing back here?"

"Probably looking for their missing friend." James answered for them. 

"That's not funny. It's serious. He's in danger." Dustin was the first to speak.

"I hate to break it to you, toothless, but he's not in danger. He's dead. That's what my dad says. He said he was probably killed by some other queer." Troy laughed queuing James to laugh along with him. Mike was visibly annoyed-no-angry. 

"Come on. Just ignore them." Mike told Dustin and Lucas as he attempted to walk past the two bullies. Troy put his foot out to trip him as he walked by. His chin hit the dirt with a thud. 

"Watch where you're going, frogface." Troy and James laughed again while Dustin and Lucas ran to see if he was okay. The bullies high fived before walking away.

"You alright?" Lucas asked helping Mike up with Dustin. 

"Yeah." He rubbed his chin and watched them walk away. They all sigh before Dustin kneels down grabbing something.

"Hey. How about this one?" He holds up a rock to the other boys. They smile.


"Yeah?" He asks.

"Yeah, this is it." Mike cements. 

"Oh yeah. Yeah, this is the monster killer!" Lucas held the rock up in the light and smiled brightly. It was perfect.

A/N: I finally got around to finishing this chapter! I'm not too confident but I do think it's better than what I had before. It makes more sense in my mind this way.

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