What Hextech Can Do

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"Good evening ladies and gentlemen of Piltover," Jayce said to the audience with some feedback from the microphone, "this time last year, we promised that we would unveil new and exciting hextech projects that would help make your lives better. We promised to bring a bright tomorrow to the City of Progress, and I'm proud to announce that that bright tomorrow starts today! Even with some difficulties and delays due to the council building being attacked we were able to continue with the projects we had in our sights. Not only that, over this past year we were able to release Hextech gems to a select group of individuals to see what the common citizen could accomplish with our invention. But instead of me speaking for them, I think it better to have them speak on their own behalf. People of Piltover, may I introduce you to a local hero some of you may remember, Orianna."

Jayce stepped back from the podium while the audience mumbled amongst themselves. Caitlyn stepped forward from her post and leaned down to Vi, whispering over her shoulder.

"I remember her, she went down to the Undercity to help with some kind of chemical spill. She was praised in both parts of Piltover for her kindness," She told Vi with a hint of surprise in her voice.

"Weird, I don't remember hearing anything about her," Vi replied, shifting her eyes between her sweetheart and the still empty stage.

"All that must have happened while you were still in Stillwater. I wonder what she has to do with Hextech?" Caitlyn wondered before stepping back to her assigned post. Even though she was a short distance away Vi could hear her gasp when the young girl appeared in front of the podium, if you could even call her a girl anymore.

The crowd fell silent at the sight of a mechanical being, not artificial enough to be an android of any sort but not organic enough to be human. It was a strange in between that toyed with people's uncanny valley. When she spoke, though, people were inclined to listen.

"Hello," Orianna said with a blank expression. Her voice echoed, but not because of the acoustics, her voice itself had a strange doubling tone to it. "My name is Orianna, and I'd like to speak about what Hextech has done for me. A few years ago, as some of you may remember, there was a large chemical spill in the Undercity. I had gone down to assist the people, but unfortunately fell ill to a virus that spread through my body. My father would replace my infected parts with prosthetics, but the disease persisted. Thankfully, my father and I were able to access a Hextech gemstone; the sort Mr. Talis here has created. This gemstone keeps me alive, it keeps my life persisting. If any of you were wondering the limitations of Hextech, I assure you there are none."

Orianna then stepped away from the podium and made her way off the stage, Jayce returning to his place in the spotlight. He continued his speech about the glories of Hextech and that he would be looking to make gemstones completely public 'very soon'. The night continued on without much more excitement with the main topic of conversation being the wonderous robot girl. The premise of Hextech being able to give life to people like that, though, it gave Caitlyn and Vi some unique ideas. It wasn't something they had discussed aside from a shared look after Orianna left the stage, but from that shared look alone they could tell it wouldn't need much discussion. So, after Jayce's speech was wrapped up, Vi wandered backstage to find the inventor while Caitlyn stayed dutifully at her post.

There was a shocking amount of security for just one guy backstage but considering what Powder had done last year Vi could see the reasoning behind it. Still, it didn't stop her from finding her way behind the curtains to see a rather stressed out Jayce. 

"Not one for crowds, pretty boy?" she asked from the doorway while Jayce sweated through his shirt. Vi and Jayce hadn't spoken much since their invasion into the Shimmer factory, but they had met each other here or there and exchanged brief formalities. 

Jayce looked up at her, took a sip of his water, then hung his head once again. He quietly asked what she wanted, not necessarily in a friendly way but it certainly wasn't angry.

Vi explained that her and Cait were engaged, which she couldn't do without a smile in spite of her best efforts, and Jayce perked up quite quickly. He wished her a joyous congratulations before letting her continue, now somewhat excited to see what the Hell she was talking to him for.

"Well, that girl tonight, she's kept alive by your Hextech thing. Is there any way that Hextech could somehow, maybe, help create life?" Vi asked, her voice trailing slightly as the sentence wore on. Jayce looked at her in confusion for a few moments before raising his eyebrows in realization. He stumbled on his words, trying to find something to say while simultaneously thinking if there was an actual answer to her question.

Vi, on the other hand, waited patiently for the Topsider to spit out an answer while her cheeks glowed red with embarrassment. It wasn't something she loved discussing with people other than Cait, especially considering her and Cait hadn't even properly discussed it yet, but it seemed necessary. So she waited for the bumbling inventor to answer, which he finally did.

"It's not something we've really thought of, to be honest, but now that you mention it there could really be something to look into here. I'll try out some things and once I find something I'll let you and Cait know," He told her with a sense of intrigue in his words. It gave Vi a sense of pride to pose an idea to an inventor that he hadn't thought of before, and it was exciting to hear that there might be something to work with. So she said goodbye to Jayce and made her way back to the now mostly-empty auditorium, finding her beloved bride-to-be in firm lookout at her post. 

She gave her Cupcake a kiss (which Caitlyn always told her not to do while she was on duty even though she loved it) and told her about the conversation she just had with Jayce. Caitlyn was definitely excited and promised Vi that they could discuss it more once they returned home, but at that moment she had to maintain her duty as an Enforcer and keep the building secure. 

Vi understood and decided that instead of having any serious discussion while Cait was working she could just tease her a bit. So she just whispered a few select phrases into the Enforcer's ear, enough to make her blush and sweat and bite her lip, then made her way back home; winking at her lover as she walked away.

Caitlyn smiled at her Cherry Blossom as she started towards their home in spite of what she had just done. She was thrilled to hear the Hextech news from Jayce and was looking forward to having that discussion with Vi, and even more, having it become a reality with her. A blind man could see how good of a nurturer and protector Vi was, there wasn't a doubt in Caitlyn's mind that Vi would succeed endlessly at being a parent. As exciting as a prospect that was, though, Cait did want to focus on their wedding first. They had a lot to plan, a lot to discuss, there was a lot going on in their lives. But it was all exciting and Cait couldn't have been more thrilled.

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