Origins pt 1/Strange Love

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Right now Bella's practicing her martial arts in the front yard and all of a sudden she sees an arrow shoot into a tree, she walks over to it a see that there's a piece of white paper on it, she reads and then she realized what's this means.

"Oh no, not now." Bella groans and walks over to her father. "Dad please don't tell me what I think this is."

Tommy looks at the paper and reads it "I'm sorry but it is." Tommy looks and Bella and see her trying not to cry, he stands up and hugs her.

Just then Kimberly walks out and sees what going on "Hey what's wrong?" She asked. Tommy hands her the paper and she reads it. "Oh I'm so sorry but... hey look at me." Bella looks at her mother. "It's not that bad and we should know."

"Your right mom, I'll be fine." Bella lets go and wipes the tears off her face. "Maybe I should have a shower first before I go."

After her shower Bella gets changed into some clean clothes "All right this is it, my turn to be a Ranger again." Bella grabs her bag and then walks out to her mom and dad and hugs her mom.

Bella and her father walk outside, gets in the car and then drives off.

~Near the battle~

Later in the car Bella starts to feel nervous "Hey, you okay?" Tommy asked Bella. "Dad are you sure I'm ready?" "Of course you are."

Tommy stops the car and Bella hugs him then as she gets out Tommy stops her "Wait!" Tommy grabs a box and gives it to her and she opens it "It's full of old photos." "Thanks dad." she hugs him then she gets out of the car and puts the box in her bag. Tommy drives off.

Bella runs over to a group of four people near a black car and they stare at her with a confused expression on their faces. When she gets there she stops.

"Ok looking at the colors, you're pink, you're blue, you're yellow and you're green." Bella said.

Just then a boy wearing red rides in on a horse and stops.

"With an entrance like that you have to be the Red Ranger?" The boy wearing green said.

"Yes I am the red Ranger" the boy wearing red said.

"We're your team of samurai" the boy wearing blue said.

"Let me warn you now, if you follow me there is no turning back, ether we defeat the nighlok together or they will take over the world, I will give these to only those who are ready to accept the challenge" the boy wearing red said.

He gets off his horse and starts to walk over to them.

"Do not accept because you were trained to do so, accept only if you are willing to commit and fight as samurai Power Rangers with all your heart." The boy wearing red said.

"Without hesitation." The boy wearing blue announced.

"I've been planning for this since I was a little girl, so yes." The girl wearing pink said.

"I'm ready to give it all I've got." The girl wearing yellow proclaimed with a smile.

"I don't go down without a fight. So count me in." Bella said.

"Okay, okay, do we have to be so formal?" the green ranger asked stepping forward, "Let's do this thing."

The boy wearing red walks over to his bag and grabs out five samuraizers and throws them to each of them one at a time.

"Let's go" he said.

~At the Battle~

Citizens where screaming as they ran away from the monsters surrounding the area.

Legacy (Jayden Shiba x oc x Eric Northman)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora