Day Off/Escape from Dragon House

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"Hey, guys!" Mike greeted his fellow samurai sans Jayden, as entered the dojo with his skateboard. Mia and Emily were sparing, Bella was kicking a punching bag, and Kevin was doing push-ups. "Guess what?"

"You overslept? Again." Kevin suggested standing and grabbing a towel to put around his neck while the girls ceased sparring and came over.

"Yeah, well, that's nothing new." Mike countered.

"So what's up?" Emily questioned.

"Ji just told me he wanted us to take the day off." Mike reapplied.

"Sweet." Bella said.

"Really?" Emily asked ecstatic.

"This isn't a joke?" Mia asked skeptical.

"But we just started our workout." Kevin said he then turned to kick the punching bag. "Mmm!"

"Dude, you're telling me you're going to disobey a direct order from your samurai mentor?" Mike asked pulling off his helmet.

"Well... I guess not." Kevin relented the others chuckled.

"What to do?" Mia asked pacing and holding her chin. "I could shop for shoes and art design for fighting monsters or I could catch a flick."

"But it's such a beautiful day." Emily protested. "It'd be a shame to stay cooed up inside."

"Agreed." Bella said.

"Em, I can teach you how to shred." Mike suggested.

"Well, I was thinking Rainbow's End." Emily informed them. "I've never been on a roller coaster before."

"What? Never?" Mike countered.

"They don't have amusement parks out where I'm from." Emily responded.

"Then it's settled." Mia declared.

"Rainbow's End, here we come." Mike announced.

"Awesome." Bella said excited.

"Yeah!" Kevin agreed starting to get into it.

"Let's go." Mia finished. They all headed for the door only to run into Jayden who was entering.

"Hey, Jayden," Kevin called getting the red rangers attention, "we're going to the amusement park."

"Have fun." Jayden replied smiling and walking past them.

"You're not coming with us?" Kevin asked confused.

"Not this time." Jayden replied turning around, "There's something I need to do." With that he walked away.

"He's so mysterious sometimes." Mia commented, "I wonder what's so important." Mike who had already exited opened the door.

"Our day off is a-wasting." He told them. "Jayden can take care of himself. Come on." They all walked out the door but Kevin who hesitated turning back for a moment before following the others.

In the middle of the dojo Jayden opened a box with an orange disk inside. He picked it up, staring at it for a moment before his eyes shot up, determined.

~At Rainbows End~

At Rainbow's End, customers screamed as the roller coaster went upside down. Emily laughed as she watched.

"I wonder why Jayden didn't come." Kevin asked as they walked through the park.

"He seemed to have a lot on his mind." Mia commented.

"Yeah, it's not like we could force him to come." Bella reminded him.

"We'll bring him back some cotton candy to cheer him up." Emily told Kevin.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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