The Team Unites

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Right now Kevin and Mike are training while Bella is drawing in her sketchbook.

"The life of a samurai, must be one of discipline and order Samurai must constantly improve their skills, to ready themselves for battle." Ji tells them.

Just then Kevin hits Mike in the back by accident.

"Are you okay?" Jayden asked him.

"Of course" Mike said.

"Sure you are" Bella whispered to herself.

"Get into your opponent's head use your instincts to sense their next move and feel their attack coming." Jayden said.

"Wow, Kevin that's amazing." Mike said before getting whacked on the back by a Wooden sword.

"Mike, always keep your guard up." Jayden said.

"Mike let me ask you." Ji said.

"Hey, that's not fair you distracted me." Mike said.

"Mike it doesn't matter you need to sense if someone's coming" Bella said.

"Okay, I get it, let me try again, one more time." Mike said.

Jayden smiles and is about to hit him but he dodges his first attack but Jayden gets him the second time.

"Now watch this." Jayden said.

Jayden starts to attack Kevin and he is doing good and once he stops he gets up and when he does his pants fall down and Bella and the girls start laughing and Kevin pulls his pants up.

"Hey, where did Mike go?" Emily asked.

"Good question." Bella said.

Once they were done with practice, Bella go back to her room and her phone rings and she answers it.

"Bella, I wanted to know how you were doing at being a Power Ranger" Tommy said.

"I doing great, I did make some friends and there is this one boy." Bella said.

"Bella I'm so happy for you" Tommy said.

"His name is Jayden Shiba. Our Red Ranger." Bella said.

"That's great." Tommy said.

"Thanks." Bella said.

Just then the alarm goes off "I have to go, bye dad." and Bella hangs up on him and goes to the rest and they see where the nighlok is at and they morph and head there.

"You've worn out your welcome" Jayden said.

"So it's time for you to go" Bella said.

"Arm stretch" the nighlok said and they move out of the way.

"Jayden!" Mike and Bella said.

"Even the Red Ranger can't sense what's going on underground." The nighlok taunted.

"Oh wow, are you guys okay?" Mia asked Jayden concerned.

"Sure, now let's take this creep." He replied.

"Uh-oh," the nighlok complained, "it feels like I'm starting to dry up." As it said this it began turning black. "Guess I'd better punch out for now. Later, Rangers." It said before slipping through a gap.

~Back at the House~

"Thank goodness you were there." Ji told them all as they watched Mia and Emily treat Mike's wounds. Bella stood next to Kevin with her arms crossed. "You prevented that nighlok from injuring lots of people."

"We came as soon as we heard." Jayden responded.

"I thought I could take him alone." Mike explained as the girls finished up.

Legacy (Jayden Shiba x oc x Eric Northman)Where stories live. Discover now