Origins pt 2

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It was only two days after the latest team of rangers had won their first battle. The new team was in the courtyard of the Shiba house each stationed in front of an easel practicing their respective symbols. Bella stood between Mike and Jayden. Ji walked among the new team appraising their work.

"There is more to being a Power Ranger, them mastering a sword." He lectured the team.

'And don't I know it.' Bella thought as she focused on getting this symbol right. As this progressed Ji continued on.

"You must also learn to use your inherited samurai symbols." He stopped behind Jayden, "Aha, fire symbol." As Jayden finished the symbol burst into flames. Jayden smiled and blew out the flames on his brush. "Yes, water." Ji said as Kevin finished. The symbol turned to water and splashed him in the face causing him to cough as Ji moved on. "Good, earth symbol." He praised Emily. Once she had finished the symbol turned into a rock landing on Kevin's foot.

"Oh!" He cried out in pain clutching his foot.

"Sorry!" Emily apologized grabbing his arm, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine." He reassured her. Ji then turned to Mia.

"Ah, the symbol for wind." The symbol then turned into a pink tornado causing Mia to smile. "Very good." Ji praised her. Ji then walked behind Bella as she finished her symbol.

"The symbol for winter." Ji simply said, Bella's symbol began to glow white and snow began falling around her, while her brush froze at the tip. "Nice work though your symbol isn't that hard." Ji said.

"Yeah, I didn't get that much practice at home." Bella said.

"Good job." Jayden mouthed and she nodded.

"Thanks you too." She mouthed back.

"Ugh! That's not right." Mike complained drawing everyone's attention. Bella looked over to see him continue drawing out more symbols on the same page. "Was it this way?" He drew some more and smiled. "That's it!" But unlike the others symbols nothing happened to Mike's.

"The order of the strokes is wrong." Ji told him coming up behind him. "Mike you must practice more."

"Okay, I get it. Practice." Mike responded. He positioned himself to draw but didn't touch the paper. "Hmm... How about a lunch break?" He asked turning back to Ji and placing a hand on his shoulder. "You'd be amazed at how well I practice after a few slices of pizza." Ji merely glanced at the hand on his shoulder and Mike quickly took it off turning back to the easel. Bella smiled.

~Half an hour later~

After all that training Bella was in her room laying on the floor one arm under her head and the other across her stomach. Thinking about all her life.

"When am I ever going to have a semi normal life? Just run around and have fun, have a nice boy and just be here." She asked herself. She remembered those times when she would sit on the campus of Reefside High and hang with the other Dino Thunder Power Rangers. They were eighteen and still let a thirteen year old be around them and become their best friend. It had been blissful. There was a knock on her door then and Mia poked her head in.

"Hey is Emily in here?" She asked, Bella could see the figures of Mike and Kevin behind her. Bella sat up in one fluid movement and shook her head.

"No but I think I saw her a while ago. She said something about going for a walk." She answered. They nodded.

"Want to help us look for her?" Mike asked.

"No she's sixteen if she wants to go for a walk she can. Besides I have things I need to do." They nodded and left the room. Bella shook her head and set her piano up. She then began to sing,

Legacy (Jayden Shiba x oc x Eric Northman)Where stories live. Discover now