Hurt and found

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Carlisle p.o.v.

I was walking downtown hoping to find Alice and Jasper because they had gone on a date and have been taking longer than promised. I stepped past an alley where I had heard the sound of quiet sobs. Nobody else would have heard them but I did because my enhanced senses. I took a step back to the alley the sound was coming from and felt someone there. I ran to where a beautiful young woman was laying, broken.

She had beautiful short blonde and brown hair. Her face was one nobody else had. She looked to be around age 19. She was wearing a light grey tank top with an unbuttoned denim overshirt and black leggings with grey converse. She was curled up in a fetal position crying in pain. It didn't look like she had acknowledged my presence.

"Hello, i'm Carlisle," I said in the calmest tone possible as not to startle her.

Louise p.o.v.

"Hello, i'm Carlisle," I heard a calm voice say as I painfully opened my eyes. I looked up to where a tall man was standing looking down at me. He was very pale with light blonde hair and a face you could never forget. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket with jeans and black on black converse. He was beautiful but deep in his golden eyes I could see centuries of built up pain.

"I'm louise," I coughed painfully.

"Are you alright; what happened?" He said in a caring voice.

"I was walking home from my job at the diner down the street and... and I got a call from the hospital saying that my parents were in a car accident and didn't make It. I started crying and then these two men came up to me and saw that I was sad and tried to take me home with them but I said no. They tried to drag me to their car but I wouldn't let them. I started kicking and punching but they had more men come and they slammed me to the ground. All of them started kicking me and stepping on me." I gripped my side where my ribs were in pain.

Carlisle looked at me acknowledging that I was broken. "I work at the hospital, I was the one who called you and told you that your parents didn't make it. My dearest apologies. My car is parked not to far from here. I can go get it and take you to my home to take care of you if thats okay?" He looked down at himself as if thinking this was his fault.

"As long as you don't do what those other men did, then that would be great." I said jokingly.

" I would never even consider doing such a crime. I will go get my car. Stay here and try not to move a lot so the pain doesn't increase. I will be back soon." He said as he sprinted away. I tried to stay still and got to thinking about the way carlisle looked down at himself. He looked very depressed but he was so willing to help me. I had a feeling he knew more about the accident then he is presenting. I was caught in the middle of my thoughts by Carlisle walking up to me cautiously. "Can you stand or walk?" He asked. I sat up.

"Gaah!" When I sat up my ribs felt like they were stabbing me and my whole torso felt like it was on fire.

He laid me back down gently, "Take it easy, don't go too fast. The bones on the left side of your body are shattered," he said calmly. He slid one hand under my lower back and one hand under my upper back and gently sat me straight up. I quietly shrieked trying not to catch anyones attention. He put the hand he had on my lower back under my knees and picked me up. He walked quickly back to his car and laid me down in the back seat.

Carlisle p.o.v.

I picked louise up as gently as possible trying not to cause her pain. I carried her to my car quickly and laid her down in the back seat. I jumped in the drivers seat and sped to my home. I could hear her crying from mental and physical pain. I couldn't help but think it was my fault. I only wish I could work up the courage to tell her that Esme was in the other car in the accident. She didn't make it either.

We pulled up in front of my home and I got out of the car and opened louise door.

"I'm going to go get my adopted son Emmet to come help me carry you inside. I will be right back." I rushed into the house and up the stairs.

"Emmet I need your help with something," I said.

"Okay, sure Carlisle," he followed me out to the car.

I opened the car door and Emmet saw Louise. "Oh my god. Is she okay"

"No, the bones on the left side of her body are shattered. I need you to help me carry her up to my office," Carlisle said urgently.

We both picked her up and she started screaming from excruciating pain. But there was nothing we could do. I couldn't help her down here. I had to get her to my office. She calmed down a little bit until we got to the stairs. Her body being on a slant causes her broken ribs to stab her from the inside.

We finally got her up to my office and laid her on the stretcher. Tears streaming down her face.

Only One HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora