Professor Dumbledore's Office and Christmas

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As I had expected rumors were flying over Hogwarts like wildfire. Most everyone believed the both of us to be the heirs of Slytherin. Harry and I both tried to ignore the stares and the whispers, but it wasn't always easy. We were in a study hall and all eyes were constantly on eyes, making Harry and I feel like people were waiting for us to attack. I shut my book and patted Ron's arm as he sat next to me.

"I think we'll see you two later in the common room." I whispered. They both gave us uneasy, and understanding looks as we got up to leave the table.

As we walked out and passed a table that was next to ours, people even seemed to flinch away from us, making us both sigh. We made it out of the room and stopped at the columns looking into the room. Everyone's eye's were indeed on us. We shook our heads and continued to walk back. but not before hearing the mysterious voice once again.

"Blood. I want blood. They all must die." The voice hissed.

Harry and I grabbed each other's hands for comfort and leaned our ears against the wall. It sounded like that's exactly where whatever it was, was. It was beginning to become even more curious to me that only Harry and I could hear this voice. Believe me I felt crazy enough as it was, but something seemed to start to click inside my mind. I wasn't sure what yet, but I was getting there. We followed the voice as it continued through the corridors again.

"Kill. Kill. Kill! Time to kill." The voice began to fade away as we entered a new corridor.

I took quick notice of the curious water along the floor. Whatever had been making these marks, was huge. As we turned the corner Harry squeezed my hand and I looked up away from the water. Floating in the air was the Gryffindor House Ghost. Nearly Headless Nick. His body hovered in the air and his head was leaning to the side, only hanging on by the little bit of ghostly skin left.

"Oh-no, Harry." I gasped quietly. I leaned down on the floor and checked over the body. "It's Justin." I gulped.

Harry leaned beside me and grabbed Justin's hand which was stiff as a board, slightly in the air. We both looked at each other and then froze, nearly as stiff as Justin.

"Caught in the act." Mr. Filch spooked us by coming up from behind. "I'll 'ave you both out this time, Potter's. Mark my words." He sneered and turned on his feet to leave.

"Wait! Mr. Filch!" I yelled out after him.

"You don't understand!" Harry called out after him.

"Harry!" I tugged his sleeve harshly and he turned towards me. I pointed to the floor. There was another line of spiders fleeing towards the window. We both stood up and followed them to it, investigating. But the quick step of footprints brought us back. Mr. Filch had brought Professor McGonagall to the scene and she gasped. She looked at the both of us and back at the bodies.

"Professor. I swear, we didn't." Harry said quickly.

"This is out of my hands, Potter." She said looking at us very troubled.

Quickly, Professor McGonagall ushered us away from the scene and towards the headmaster's office. Neither of us had ever been up there and weren't exactly sure where it was. But she led us to a great big Griffin statue that rested inside the opening of the wall.

"Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for the both of you." She gestured to the Griffin and we both climbed inside with the statue. "Sherbet lemon." She stated firmly and waved her hands.

The statue suddenly began to move and twisted upward, revealing stairs. Harry and I both climbed on and stood still as they rose to the top of the tower. When the statue stopped moving we were standing in front of a very small hallway with a single door at the end. We both anxiously walked closer to it and I opened up the door.

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