Bose X Chapa Shorter Shorts

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Chapa is carrying her tall stack of books. Miles rushes to her side.

Miles:"May I carry your books, cupcake?"

Bose:"WHAT did you say?" Bose rolls up his sleeves. He smacks his fist into his palm. He has an angry look on his face. Miles gulps and chuckles nervously.

Miles:"Heh, nothing! I said nothing!"

Bose:"That's what I thought you said."


Miles calls Chapa 'Cupcake.'

Chapa:"Call me 'Cupcake' again and the next one you'll be eating is through a straw."

Miles says something about Hip Hop Puree.

Bose calls Chapa 'Cupcake.'

Chapa:(Hearts around her)"Aww, Bose! You're so sweet!"




Miles:"Why couldn't the 11 year old get into the pirate movie?"


Miles:"It was rated "Arr!"(Rimshot)(Laughing)Arr! Because it's...about...pirates."

Not even a chuckle from Chapa.

Bose:"Why couldn't the 11 year old get into the pirate movie?"


Bose:"It was rated "Arr!"(Rimshot)(Laughing)Arr! Because it's...about...pirates."

Chapa laughs.




Bose says something stupid.

Chapa:"I will never comprehend how the heck your brain works."

Bose:"Me neither."


Bose:"Whoa, whoa, what I do is, uh, I look Chapa up and down and than I say,(Putting on his flirt face)'Hey, how you doing?"

Chapa:(Shaking her head)"Oh, please!"

Bose:(His flirt face still on)"Hey, how you doing?"

Chapa eyes open wide open then she moves them from side to side than she narrows them.


Bose is talking to Miles.

Bose:"I was calling Chapa on her house phone to ask her out on the date but darn! She said over the phone that she was just walking out the door to visit her uncle in Toyoko."

Bose:"That's what I call bad timing."

Miles:"That's called getting shot out of the saddle you turkey!"


Bose is calling Chapa on her house phone to ask her out on a date.

Bose:"Chapa baby! What are you doing tonight, pretty lady?"

Chapa talks through the phone.

Bose:"I mean besides avoiding me at all costs."

Miles:(Swinging his hand over his back)"Zing!"


Bose is calling Chapa on her house phone. 

Bose:"Chapa babe! What say we take the Man Buggy and drive out to lover's lane tonight?"

Chapa talks through the phone.

Bose:"Oh, there's a place you'd rather go?"

Chapa talks through the phone.

Bose:"No, I've never heard of 'You make me puke' lane."

Miles:"I know that place."


Bose:"I'm bored Chapa. I need some excitement. Maybe I'll go sit on the roof!"

Chapa:"Boooooooooooose?! The fire deparmant said never to do that again."


Chapa:"Bose, don't you think this is a little odd?"

Chapa:"My mistake. I asked Bose to think."


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