kawata nahoya!part2!

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I woke up feeling arms around me. I felt so warm and cozy. I slowly opened my eyes to see I'm not in my bedroom.and nahoya holding me while sleeping. My face turned white I observed my souroundings. Everything seemed like the kind of room I designed myself. Books,a white furry floor mat,white walls, fairy beautiful Chandler. I slowly tried to remove myself from his hold man he had a grip. Once I did I went out of the room. Thank God the room was not locked I went down stairs. I passed the kitchen then the hall to the living room. I saw a window showing the outside.

"What the heck where Am I!?"

I yelled looking outside cuz I have no absuloute no idea where the heck I was.! Just then I heard a grunt and somebody falling. I gasped cuz I knew it was nahoya! He woke up! Oh no!
Withought another word I quickly ran to the door kicking it open with all my strength. I ran through the field of grass with nahoya shouting my name.


he yelled at me with angry I didn't stop till the field of grass turned into the woods. Gosh just where the heck am I!? I screamed in my mind as I looked back to see nahoya's hand almost catching me by grabbing my hair. I grabed my hair when he tried again and I ran faster.

Nahoya's pov!

"You can wake up when I take you home"

I said as I kissed my dear's forehead I carried her on my back slowly going out of her room then house. I know my brother likes her but I like her more!. I will take care of her better then he does the moment I knew he planned to take her. I immediately made a plan of my own and took her.

"Heck no she's mine all mine bro"

I said with happiness while carrying her on my back. She's on my back! I can smell her perfume so sweet! You smell so sweet my dear. I want more then just you! I thought as I carefully positioned her to not fall on my motor. Driving where even my brother doesn't know it took me 5 hours to get to that location. The place where I am sure she'll love. see? I can take better care of her then you can! I have been stalking her knowing what she likes and hates what her dream home is and her favourite food!

I thought while carrying her to OUR room I carefully layed her down a snuggled with her on our bed. And fell asleep.....

I felt something move but I was too sleepy to move. A few seconds later I heard someone shout.

"What the heck where am I!?"

I opened my eyes cuz of the familiar voice. I quickly get out of bed but fell in result I grunt. But quickly ran to where the sound come from.

My beauty looked at me as soon as she heard my footsteps she kicked the door with such strength. Where does she think she's going!?

I chased after her till we reached the woods. I ran faster and tried to grab her hair only to fail when she pulled it and ran faster.

Ur pov!

I ran till I ran. Eventually I started feeling tired so I tried to find a hiding place. I hide behind a tree for a moment hands on my mouth to cover my heavy breathing.

"Y/n where are you!?"

"Look y/n just calm down for a minute if you just come out like a good girl I'll let this slide with no punishment!"

Nahoya said. But I did not move from my position till he went the other way while yelling my name. I went the other way farther I walked where my legs could take me I probably walked for 30 mins my legs were tired. But lucky for me I saw a small village. I asked ppl for the police station and for some help. Which the gave both.

As I explained my situation to the two officers. They promised me that everything will be ok.
They let me contact my cousin which was hinata and naoto tachibana. They offered for me to move in with them for awhile and I accepted the offer. We may live in the same city but atleast I won't be home alone anymore.

Yes I live alone I am a very independent girl I do modeling for a high price and soon in the future wanting to be an actress and build my own. Sweet cafe it was raining.
While Hina drove me back to their place naoto took all of my needs to stay at their place for a while and made sure my home would not be invaded. Honestly I was surprised on how I escaped so easly. I mean com on how!?
And also surprised on how far we were..


A sudden move of two motors blocked our way of the road...
It was...nahoya and...souya Kun..
Nahoya looks insane with the grin and wide eyes with vains on his forehead while souya looked more angrier then before. We looked at eachother for a while.
Till Hina made a drive for it. Actually driving on a wall pass them.! That was insane! I looked at her to see her angry.. this was not her style at all Hina looked at me and said in a sorry tone.

"I'm sorry y/n but I couldn't let those two get you. ur my favourite cousin!"

She said with a warn exprission.
With tears in my eyes. I screamed and hugged her forgetting she was driving.

"Y/n! Stop! We'll crash!"

I was thankfull we didn't hehe.

"Gomen! Gomen!"

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