is this seat taken? part 5

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Hanma pov:

I looked at the picture in my hand and smirked y/n was my lovely elementary and high school crush. Well she was always annoyed that I'd follow her around.  But this time I would have a reason too. man I didn't think I would find you this fast y/n.

"I'll take the job officers"

I looked at the haitani brothers as they took a call from miss tachibana.

"Hello miss tachibana. Yes this is the police men you talked to earlier. we want to know what School miss L/n will be going too. We already have her bodygaurd"

Ran said as he waited for Miss tachibana to answer.

"Oh we are going to the big city for Miss L/n college. There's only one college there so you know what college it is."

Hanma smirked as he knew he was going to see y/n's pretty face everyday now. And can't make an excuse for him to go away cuz he is her bodygaurd.

"Alright then may I speak with miss beauty pl-"

But before he could finish his sentence the phone call ended

As hanma was there hearing what ran tried to call " his "
Y/n. he almost lost his cool there was a vine popping out of his forehead and he was not smiling anymore.

'how dare you.  were you trying to steal my girl from me you bastard!?'

Hanma wanted to choke the man Infront of him but he had to calm down or the police would pick someone else to be the bodygaurd job. He signed the papers not saying anything and left. While walking he was looking at his and y/n's photo on his phone. when they were elementary y/n dicided to hang out with him just to make him stop following her for a week.
But he never did ofc this man would do whatever he wants.

"This time I'll make sure you can't leave me y/n"

Back at the tachibana residence:

Y/n got up from her room and went to the living room where she saw lots of her and hinata's fav food and snacks and a note.

Note: to nee-san

Nii San I'll be going to college now. I'll back at 4pm so don't wait for me or try to call me cuz I'll be busy. Also pls take care of y/n well and these foods are for you two bye! Love you!

                          From: naoto🍫🍪

At this point my cheeks were red as strawberries cuz of the sweet note that was sopposed to be for Hina. Man these siblings are adorable! I went to hina's room and saw her looking at men's clothes. Ah right! She has a boyfriend! Take nii. Take nii is a good guy. So I liked him from the day I met him. I called out for her and showed her the note her cheeks became red and she giggled patted my head and said.

" Let's go eat what my little brother made then come rose"

Rose is my nickname for the tachibana siblings they only called me that when we are alone. And they called me that cuz they said I looked like I'd belong in a field of roses sweat right?.  Hehe..

" So y/n you will be going to college in 2 days so get ready"

" Wakata nii San"


I went out for a tiny walk to explore and get the know the place I'll be living for awhile.

I was passing tall buildings I felt like I was in a movie. Soon after I saw a cafe it was cute and had a calm sweat vibe. So I went in and a warm brown coffee smell went in my nose. The cafe was busy but not that busy as I went in. I saw my favourite Oreo sundae and Oreo cupcakes. So I ordered them I got my order and went to find a seat near the window. As I was eating my cupcake I was then touched by the shoulder. I got starteled and looked behind me to see a smiling guy with glasses and tan skin. He pointed to the seat Infront of me and asked.

" Hi miss is that seat taken?"

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