kawata souya part 3

639 13 8

Y/n pov:

We were still driving for our lives from the kawata brothers.
Hina was driving freaking fast while I was on my phone explaining our situation to the police.

"Yes! They are behind us pls come fast we are at the area where there are no houses and only lights and fields! Pls help!"

"Alright ma'am we are on our way just pls stay on the phone with us"


Just then souya sped up and was now beside our car and on my side of the window where I can see him signaling us to stop. But Hina just tried to speed up

"Y/n stop! Pls...we will go easy on you if you just come back with us promise..."

"Hahaha am very piss but if you listen to souya y/n I'll try to be gentle on you haha!"

Nahoya said as he sped up from the other side of the car.

" Officer pls hurry.. they are beside our vehicle now..."

Hina said with a scared voice while the officer tried their best to calm us down.

"Y/n! Why can you be obidient! And just come back now!!"

Nahoya growled while. Blue and red lights and sirens came closer. Finally!

" Shit y/n! We will get you soon!"

"Y/n pls.. one last chance just come back..."

Souya and nahoya said while waiting for a second more before speeding up to escape the police. Gunshots were heard as the police drove after them. Tears were seen on our eyes while the police gave us blankets and tried to calm us down.

"There there miss it's ok now we will investigate and put up a protiction crew for you both it's ok.."

I just kept on shaking while this was all happening.

" Y/n how dare you get out of my grasp"

Tokyo revengers yandere stories Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora