3rd Chapter - The Power He Has

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     "Hmm. I think everything is alright now, it has been a couple of days since Kazama-kun threatens me," mumbled Y/n. He was still supervising Suisei intensively because the concert is almost there.

     Someone suddenly entered the room and it is Yagoo. He looked at Y/n and then everyone "Everyone, come to the gathering room." 

     After gathering there, Yagoo showed a photo in front of everyone. Y/n was shocked because it was the photo in which Y/n kissed Suisei. "There was a news about this," said, Yagoo. "As a company, we are not allowed to do this kind of physical contact. So, do you care to explain this, Y/n-san?" asked Yagoo.

    After looking at the photo, some people there were making a ruckus about that. But not Suisei's members because all of them knew what kind of relationship they have. But from the other's point of view, that is no different from sexual harassment in the workplace.

    "No comment?" Yagoo sighed. "So, just after a few days you already did this. But, until further information we got about this photo, it is forbidden for both of you to be together. F-Kun will be Suisei's manager for a moment. And You, Y/n-san. You will take care of Suisei-chan's schedule with others."

    Y/n and Suisei can't say anything about that because it was Yagoo who gave the order. "And the next, scheduled for Suisei-chan's is... A magazine photo shoot. Kazama-Kun and also Suisei-chan will have the same schedule for the photoshoot here. And as for you Y/n, you will go to their company and then talk about Suisei-chan's contract"

    "B- But, Yagoo-san" Y/n felt something wrong about this, he took a glance at Kazama and he was smiling. It looks like he was planning about this. He planned to separate Suisei from himself and that made Y/n so annoyed.

    "No, but. The schedule will be in two days. So, do your best"

    "A- Alright, Yagoo-san."

    Suisei came closer to Y/n and her face looked worried, "Y- Y/n, I don't want to get separated." said, Suisei. Her voice was trembling, she looked scared because once again, she will be without him for a while.

   But to make Suisei a little bit calmed down, Y/n smiled. "Everything will be alright, Sui-chan" But deep inside, Y/n also worried about Suisei. Because Y/n didn't know what is Kazama going to do.

   Y/n met Yagoo outside and then Yagoo sighed, "You messed up real hard huh? I know your relationship with her. But not everyone here, you should be careful."

    "I am sorry to disappoint you, Yagoo-san."

    "Sigh, do your best. You already finished the rumor, so don't do anything reckless" But Yagoo didn't know that the person behind the rumor and as well this domestic problem is Kazama.

    Y/n looked at someone and it was M-chan. She looked at him smiled and then she went away. Y/n got annoyed, "Are you happy with someone else's misery?" he mumbled.

    He went home after work. When he went home, he heard a bad rumor about him. Of course, the internet was spreading so fast after all. After arriving home, Y/n came home and looked at her mother was crying.

    "MOM, WHAT HAPPENED?" He looked that her hands were sprained. 

    "I am alright, Honey. My boss just got a little annoyed at me and pushed me down because I am so slow. But... I am just disappointed because suddenly he fired me." she was crying. 

     Y/n got annoyed and went out to her mother's workplace because the workplace is so near to their house. 

     Before he entered the boss's room, he saw Kazama was there smiling with the boss while shaking his hand. The room was opened so, Y/n heard something "I don't care about what that old lady did to you. The most important thing is I got money" said, the boss.

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