Chapter 32: I'm Aware

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I'm Aware

Licking his lips, Harry glanced over his shoulder and gave Marvolo a brief nod before opening the white oak door. Quickly setting himself up, Harry lit the candles and steadied his breathing. He pushed thoughts of tomorrow from his mind, thoughts of the upcoming Ball, and Christmas and how the last time he spoke to Death, it hadn't been great.

The air turned cold and Harry sucked in a breath as he watched the darkness grow darker and merge together. It was the fourth time experiencing this and Harry wasn't sure if he'd ever grow fully accustomed to it.

"Child," the voice spoke in his mind. Death spoke gently, more of a whisper, a caress against his mind. Harry pictured a hand running through his hair, like a loving parent.

"Master," Harry replied.

"You continue to do so well, my Child."

"Thank you. Is there anything new you wish me to do?"

Death was silent, pulsing, and the back of Harry's neck prickled like Death was examining him. "Do not fear me, Child. I have told you. You were not chosen for meek servitude. My anger was not meant to frighten but to caution."

Harry nodded. He wasn't sure it would be so easy since he still dreamt of the terror of the screaming voices and paralyzation. "Of course, but it will take some time. Your warning was well noted."

"What has happened since we last spoke."

Harry was pretty certain that Death already knew what all had happened but took the olive branch of comfortable conversation. "Well, I Claimed Bellatrix. I almost got carried away though."

"The power of my Children is tempting, so I've been told by your ancestors. Having a grounding factor is critical. It is how I lost my Child Alcott. He had nothing to ground him and he lost himself. Most of my Children rely on their spouses for this."

"I don't have a spouse. And everyone else got their Inheritance at sixteen too, they didn't have spouses either."

"None of the others have had to Claim so many in my name within the first year of Inheritance either."

Harry groaned. Another first for him then, wonderful. "How am I supposed to ground myself?" Despite wanting to see his parents, Harry wasn't actually ready to die yet. And he didn't think being Claimed by Death for going against the path would be that pleasant.

For the strangest reason, Harry got the feeling that Death was sighing when the shadows turned grey momentarily. "Receiving documentation from your magical government does not dictate a spouse."

Harry had no idea what that meant and decided to move on and deal with that later. He hadn't lost control yet and Marvolo had helped him when he needed it. He'd worry about a grounding aspect or a spouse later.

"Sure, anyway, I should be Claiming Neville's parents in a couple of weeks and I'm still taking care of the Unworthy. Do I have to wait for Full Moons to contact the dead?"

"It is not necessary after the first time. However, moon cycles provide the strongest source. It is the week between Claiming and Calling that is most important."

Harry nodded, relieved he wouldn't have to make Neville wait a whole month before talking to his parents. He had checked the calendar and the students were let out of Hogwarts only two days before the next full moon and so wouldn't meet the one-week criteria. Not having to wait was beneficial.

"After the turn of the New Year, you must start learning my Runes and work on your partner's meddlesome elusive machinations."

Harry nodded that seemed reasonable. "I will." Plus, Harry didn't think he and Marvolo would properly breach that void between them without first talking about Marvolo's attempts to avoid Death. Though, Harry still wasn't sure if he wanted to bridge that gap that had formed. But the thought of learning the Necromancy Runes was exciting, he'd already planned to but having Death's permission was nice.

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