Slenderman's daughter and Jacks girl part 1

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This story is dedicated to loona my friend.

In this one the character will be the daughter of slenderman, she is born human but different. this story will contain topics of strong themes like rape, abuse, and killing. if you have any ideas for a better title to the chapter let me know lol, i couldn't think of anything catchy. oh this will be in a reader format so just put your name where i put y/n, and h/c is hair color h/l is hair length, and f/c/c is favorite contact color (your eyes will be completly white being that slenderman has no face.)

"Why do you have to be such a freak y/n? Your too tall, you have no eye color straight white, you are creepy in general" my mom spits at me as i sit on the couch flipping through the tv channels. i'm bored out of my mind and my so called mom is at it again. i'm so tired of how she talks to me, i know i'm different. Okay i'm really different, i'm not normal and my mom knows something but wont tell me. At school i don't have many friends mainly one but i don't have much of a emotional connection with them. I'm weird like that, i can cut off my emotions and show nothing, i can also fake emotions and if i really try i can drive people crazy. i laugh to myself at that thought.

"So tell me dearest mother figure, why am i like this. A freak as you call me, who is my dad." i demand from her tired of not knowing.

"He is an abnormal freak like you. With his long arms long legs no face and that scary grin on his face." She shudders remembering a memory then her eyes flash with anger at me for making her remember.

"you want to know so bad ill tell about how you were born" she smiles evilly at me. "it all started with my late husband. He was a journalist doing a peice on missing children he found out about a stupid urban legend about slenderman. He should have just left it alone but in his research he found truth and decided to do what all the kids did and summon him. After that he became paranoid about me, afraid something bad would happen to. well it did, i couldn't see the figure at first but all of a sudden i was slammed against the bedroom wall one evening my husband screaming at me and yelling at slenderman to not do it. He raped me and bruised me and drove me insane. Later i found out i was pregnant my husband found out and shot himself writing a note saying he couldn't live with the child of the being that ruined our family. So because of you my husband killed himself and because of him i got fucking pregnant." she screams out the last part hitting me across the face. At first i was horrified at what happened, then i started laughing out loud.

"At first i thought you were crazy but honestly it makes sense. I first felt bad for you then you hit so i will only say this then i am leaving. You deserve all the misery in the world for how you treated me and i hope you get driven insane." i spit at her with venom looking down at her all of a sudden, i find out that somehow i was able to raise myself above her level. Her face has a look of horror on it. I give a sadistic grin as i tower over her my lifeless eyes boring into hers.

"Oh god please, please i'm sorry. Oh my god why, why" she screams with a sickening high pitch screech. I laugh knowing soon she will start seeing me random places and will go insane. I go to my normal/abnormal height and go to my room and grab my bag and walk out the door taking the car with me. I drive for awhile so i'm near nothing but woods, and i park on the side of the road and grab my backpack and start walking. Once i know i'm good and lost i yell out for slenderman, not sure if this will even work. All i know is he lives in the woods and i'm hoping since he is a supernatural creature/being yelling might get me somewhere.

All i see around me are tall trees. there is almost no sunlight left and it left an erie feeling in the woods. i get my sweater out of my backpack considering its getting chilly and i'm cold.

"SLENDERMAN" i yell "HELLO I NEED YOU....ITS YOUR DAUGHTER!" I heasitate saying the last part.

I don't have a daughter. I hear in my head, I realize it's him. My eyes go wide with surprise.

Yes I am you raped my mom 18 years ago. I'm not upset I'm actually happy I found you. I'm weirdly tall, I can shut off my emotions and I can even drive people insane. My so called mother hated and despised me I got tired of it and she spilled what happened and then she slapped me. I rose higher than her and drove her crazy. I tell him back in my mind as I make myself taller and more menacing hoping to impress him.

Hmm, honestly I wasn't expecting this. I didn't think it was possible but I remember who you speak of. The guy was taunting me making very angry so I drove him crazy to find his fear. His fear was if his wife getting raped and not being able to do anything. So naturally I drove his fear to another level. They deserved it for meddling in my affairs. I don't kill adults, I let them do that themselves. Hmm let me see you child. He calmly tells me as he appears next to a tree. He is just as tall as me, since I made myself taller. And there is no face and he made tentacles appear from his back as he slowly approached me. His tentacles touching my face. His face looks at mine, not sure how exactly he can see but he can.

We're you born with completely white eye? And how were you able to stay unnoticed that tall? He asks curious about me.

Yes I was born with white eye but I put in f/c/c if I'm around other people. And by doing this. I shrink down to my normal/abnormal height. I stand there rubbing my left arm awkwardly not sure what to do now. And it seems slenderman is a little awkward too. He shifts from foot to foot. He sighs in your head and turns around and starts walking off. I huff as I'm upset he is just going to leave me here after finding out about me.

Chill I'm not going to leave you. Please follow me and I'll take you to where I live. He turns his head to make sure I'm following, when I am he continues forward not slowing down knowing I can easily keep up.

That's it it for part 1 yeay you met your dad finally not much killing yet but that will come in the part. Please leave a comment or message me your thoughts this is my first one hope I'm doing okay

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