Eyelessjack x reader

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Authors note: the song above animals by maroon 5 I feel fits eyeless jack in a way. Sorry bout the delay but hope you enjoy. As always if you have requests message me or even message me in discord if you are on the creepypasta discord. If not message me on how to join. Warning there will be dark themes in this one, torture and abuse. Sorry if this one is horrible.

I could feel the branches scrap against my face, arms, and legs as I ran as fast as I could. I'm lost in this weirdly dark forest, I kept pushing my legs to go faster. I just had to outrun who was chasing me, I thought he was normal.

"oh y/n come on, are you gonna slow down so we can talk. I just need to deliver you to someone, and do some stuff cause they didn't say what condition you had to be in. All that matters is that he gets you in one piece." the voice shouts taunting me from behind. I fight my instincts to turn around and look, because once I do I know I will trip. I push harder in fear of what he will do to me and who he is suppose to take me to. Next thing I know I try to jump over a root but fall from the landing. I try to scramble up but feel a sharp pain in my leg.

"my my my, what have we here, you ran straight into it after all. oh don't scoot away from me it wont do. i'm gonna have some fun with you. jack wont mind if your damaged when you get there, I mean he will be mad at me but I hate listening to other people. I'm my own boss here, you get me?" He towers over me, he is wearing a mask and its unsettling. He grabs my legs and yanks me closer making me scream out. He takes his crowbar and drags it down my body, I shiver out of fear not knowing what he is going to do. He crabs me by the arms and yanks me harshly over his shoulder popping my arms out of socket in the process. I scream out in pain my arms and shoulders throbbing in pain as he jostles me on purpose and laughs at me.

"Wwwhy are you doing this? I didn't do anything."i whimper out as I hang over his shoulder.

"wow didn't see that question coming at all." he smirked as he slowed down and opened a iron gate. "Now be quiet in here or the others will attack you, actually better yet do what you want." he said as we entered a mansion though I couldn't see much since I was on his back.

"I at least brought you here, he can do the rest." the guy in the mask said to either me or no one i'm not sure. he threw me down on the ground making my shirt fly up and my butt hit the ground hard.

"ow that hurt"i said as I tried to stand up without using my arms to much. movement hurt a lot.

"I suggest running anywhere really find your way out, but be careful people will hurt you in here."he said as he disappeared. I whimpered as I took in my surroundings, I was in a long hallway that was dark and dusty and musky smelling. I started walking trying to find my way wincing when my arms moved a little. I suddenly heard laughing, I slowed down and peaked around the corner I got to. I saw a monochrome clown walking towards me laughing hysterically at nothing and popping wrapped candies into his mouth. I covered my mouth afraid he would hear me, but next thing I know he is right behind me with an evil smirk.

"well who are you gumdrop. you are really pretty, why are you wandering the halls human?" he giggles as he talks with a creepy smile on his face.

"sssoomeone dddropped me off here and walked away. he was wearing a mask." I stutter out scared out of my mind considering I can't defend myself anymore.

His eyes light up at this news. "you are my new playmate. yeay, though it seems you are broken. oh well I love broken toys too. you should still be able to play my games." he smiles darkly as he grabs my arm and pulls me, which causes me to scream out in pain again. All he does is giggle in response, and opens a door and throws me into the room and I collapse on the floor in a heap. I then feel him straighten me out as he really looks at me. "Are you ready to play lollipop. if you behave i'll reward you." he asked very serious and it made him look beyond scary, all I could do was nod my head. he giggled in response and let his claws trail down my body.

"Now do not move and do not flinch, if you do I will break your legs. Its a fun game all my playmates love playing it, though some aren't very good at  it." he said shaking his head as he chuckled. I bite my lip so I don't say anything as his claw scraps against my stomach and legs leaving bloody marks on my body. It burned and hurt so bad and it took everything in me not to move or flinch. I was doing good till his claw ripped my shorts and went to my entrance. I involuntarily flinched and squirmed as he stopped and laughed at me.

"you were doing so good till now, it seems you don't want me in this area. oh well for now you are okay, but before I go and get jack." He smirked as his clawed hand went to my left and right knee and pressed down hard. I started screaming for him to stop but he just started laughing crazily as he kept applying pressure till I felt a snap in my knee. tears running down my face I realize he snapped my knee caps so I couldn't run, this is a sick sick game.

"you are sick and evil, this is a horrible game." I spit in anger and pain.

"oh well it was a game more for me than you, now to get jack. Hopefully he will keep all your organs intacted this time. hehe my last playmate he took out random organs and used them in is dinner." he started laughing at my horrified reaction, yet I couldn't move my legs and arms were broken. "ill be back gumdrop." at some point I pass out from the pain and go into a blissfull sleep.

"I AM GOING TO MURDER EVERYONE IN THIS DAMN HOUSE. LAUGHING JACK YOU INCLUDED, I WANTED HER TO JOIN NOT TO BE A VICTIM! AAAHHH" I heard someone shout which startled me awake but I couldn't open my eyes. I heard a something shattering against a wall or something. then more yelling and screaming. My pulse quickens and I start freaking out afraid that if this is jack what is he going to do to me.

"hey hey hey calm down calm down. breathe I am so sorry for masky and laughing jack. you were suppose to be brought straight to me no harm done. I've been watching you for awhile and at first was just going to do my usual and harvest your organs but I kinda saw everything you went through and your horrible friends. I wanted to bring you here with me, granted i'm a killer and you would have to live with that. I figured eventually you would get use to it, but now damn it they ruined everything." he rants to me and I slowly stop struggling to listen. i'm surprised and creeped out and suspicious.

"why can't I see?" is all I ask.

"oh i'm sorry I just covered your eyes so the light wouldn't bother you." he said as he removed the covering over my eyes. I blink away the bright light and come face to face with a guy bout my age or looks my age. The first thing I notice is his lack of eyes, there is nothing there just empty holes. He was frowning and his dark hair hung over his forehead. For someone who has no eyes how can he see?

"how do you know its bright?"i ask surprised with how bold I am. He seemed just as surprised as me that I asked that. " i'm sorry if I over stepped my bounds but you have no eyes yet you can see. how is that possible."

"I am a demon of sorts I was tricked into a sacrifice and they poured boiling  tar into my eyes as they chanted." is all he said with no emotions. I'm shocked, that is a violent death for someone. I can see how he kills people not sure why he eats people though. I reach out and touch his face even though it hurts like hell. seems someone popped my arms back in.

"ill stay, just keep me away from laughing jack and masky i don't like them." i say as i bring my arm down. he smiles at me as i say this, hopefully this is the beginning of a good friendship/relationship.

Horror short stories and imagines Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora