part 1

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(sorry if u were here b4 but its getting completely reworked. different plot but still in a fantasy world)


"Souls for sale! Souls for sale!" Called the merchant from his stand on the side of the road. The faint cries of those captured and stored in bottles quietly rang threw the girl's ears. Intrigued, she waltzed towards the red-skinned, pointy-eared, hairy-nosed, pipsqueak of a demon selling innocent souls of the living.  

A giant sign atop the stand read 'Souls 4 sale' written in large, red letters caught the attention of a few people. Red doesn't show well in hell, yet those who are hungry might take a second look. 

Hzahnda, a girl whose starved eyes lingered over the glass' contents. 

"Two please," She said still in a daze putting up two fingers towards the merchant. 

"That'll be $12, miss," He said in his grumpy, hoarse voice. Hzahnda slapped the money on the bar and took two bottles. She licked her lips and popped the cap off a bottle. She greedily ingested the soul despite their desperate screams. She let out a loud belch when suddenly she lost balance. She wobbled, putting her arms out in an attempt to keep herself from falling. As she did this, the second bottle began to fall. She did everything she could to prevent it from leaving her grasp, but the bottle inevitably fell to the ground. The glass shattered everywhere with a loud crash. The soul immediately formed into a human shell. 

[name], the unfortunate soul who'd been bottled and stored away for weeks to be sold and eaten by a demon sat confusedly on the floor of hell. Demons all around shrieked and gave disturbed glances toward the young human. 

The girl was only 5 years of age when she was swept away from her slum village and to be raised by a demon. The girl had adapted to the cruelty that lies in hell. Nothing lived but nothing died either. Every corner held its secrets. Every crevice held its darkness. In every alley, there was a storm brewing. 

And no god damned human food, which was the worst part for young [name]. All food was for pleasure, as there was no need for substances in hell. 

[name], now 16 years old. Fighting her way through the troubles of hell, snatching what little food from defenseless demons, out-witting any opponents, and making sure her mother figure, Hzahnda, was well. 

To some, this life wouldn't be so bad. But for adventurous, ambitious [name] this life was hardly fulfilling for her. So she set off. She left the gates of hell, leaving her old life of thieving and lies behind and bringing on a new life of love and hardship. She was prepared to face the new challenges of the living world.

But what she hadn't expected was for a giant boot to be the one seeing her off from the gates of hell.

"Urg..." She put her palm to her head to stop the pounding. "At least could've thrown me on my ass, not the head. Bitch." 

She sighed. 

"Hello, living world. Oh, how I missed you so," 


"Hey, Nina! 'Nother round of vodka please," Selen called. 

"You've already had a lot Selen and it's only 1:00(13:00). It's a bit early to be this drunk." 

"Why does it seem this guild is mostly full of drunkards? No wonder hardly any work gets done. The commission board is just piling up," [name] mumbled to the bartender, which was also her friend Nina.

"You know what. I think the only one who's never been black-out drunk is Shoto. Maybe team up with him? There's a new commission about retrieving some treasure from a dungeon, see if he wants to go with you," Nina offered while cleaning off a glass. She let go of the glass to pass the commission over the bar to the girl, which she grabbed. 

"That's a good idea. But isn't he all about killing demons?" [name] added. She hadn't told anyone about how she was raised by a demon, let alone one that was going to eat her at some point.

"Yeah, but he takes other commissions too. I think you two should get to know one another. You'd even make a cute couple." Nina smirked while placing down the freshly cleaned dish.

"Stop, stop!" [name] squeaked in embarrassment. "I'll go, I'll go. Just. Stop." 

"Have fun," She called after the girl as she just dismissed her with a wave as she walked over to Shoto, who sat at the other end of the bar. He wasn't closed off or reserved as he would occasionally appear. He was rather kind and teasable, in a friendly way. 

"Hey, Shoto! Want to do this commission with me?" She asked. 

"Oh, hey [name]. What's the commission?" He responded in his soft voice. The girl took a seat next to him.

"We have to get some treasure from an old dungeon. Someone lost it while exploring it a while back. You in?"

"Alright. Sounds fun. Anyone else going?" He agreed.

"Nope, just us and my familiars. You know, Frionier and Pershiona?" (if u were here b4, yk them. if not you'll meet them later)

"Oh right. Well, when are we going?" He dusted off his pants. 

"I'm ready now if you are,"

"Then let's get going!" 

The two set off. 

˖ଘ à suivre

idk if this is better than the first plot or not but ima keep going with this


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