part 2

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The guild was as monstrously loud as always when we left the building. Shoto and I had discussed our order of action for this commission. We hadn't ever been on a commission together so it was nice getting to know each other's strategies, likes, dislikes, strengths, etc. 

As our conversation flowed on from each subject, his back story was eventually brought up. It was a rather tragic story but I was glad he had trusted me enough to hear it. 

"What about you? What's your story?" 

"Well... We don't have to get into that." I replied. He probably wouldn't react well if I told him I was brought up by a demon.

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive," He seemed genuinely apologetic as the words left his mouth.

"It's no biggy, really. It's not interesting or anything so I spare people from hearing it. Anyways, I was wondering," I paused, "What's your magic? If you do have any, that is." 

"I mean like, I was blessed by the gods. My magic is a bit broader than just one type."

That makes tons of sense. He has a large magic aura. It's so immense around him I wonder if he was the potential to stand among the HAMU. I mean, his magic isn't that strong, but there's always a chance. 

HAMU stands for 'High Achieving Magic Users', which is for only the elite of the most admirable wizards. They get the most difficult commissions or ones of utmost importance. 

"That's cool! So you can do stuff like flying and telekinesis, right?" I boomed in excitement. 

"Yeah, you could say that. What about you? What's your magic?" 

"I call it 'Particle Manipulation'. I can change the form of any particle from its original shape." I explained. I was proud of my ability. It was something I enjoyed about myself, but it's certainly not the only thing about me. I mean, I do have a life outside of magic. 

I've just seen so many wizards who become their magic. They become so overly involved and obsessed with themselves it drives them mad. I've never been a fan of those people. 

"So you can change the shape of objects?" He asked.

"Yep. And the density of the particles. Here, I'll show you," I bent down and snatched a leaf off the ground. A little bug crawled from underneath it. 

I held the leaf into the air by making the air around it solidify slightly. I shifted the dead organism into liquid, then to gas. I changed it back to its original form so nobody inhales it, as it could potentially carry something harmful. 

"Woah. I've always been envious of specialists." He stated in a whiney voice. I let out a small chuckle at his reaction. We continued on our way through the forest, along the path with a roof of trees. 

There was a magic barrier around the guild, keeping any monsters within and any threats out. We just started nearing the border when a voice suddenly called behind us. 

"Wait for me!!" Bellowed a squeaky voice with a distinct accent.

"Is that Mysta?" Shoto asked as loud footsteps of heavy boots neared. 

"I think so," I responded, turning my head back. Just as I did so, a certain grey-haired fox came into view as his legs were spinning comically fast as he ran.

He finally reached us, panting in quick breaths. 

"You alright?" I asked in concern.

"Yes," He took a breath, "One sec,"

His face was red and he was hunched over. His outfit was wrinkled and dirty, his hat was tipped to the side and there was a twig in his hair. 

He stood up. He gulped as if to hold back his heavy breaths. 

"That commission you guys took was for S rank and above. Sorry but guys just aren't there yet." He explained between breaths. An angered expression appeared on my features as I stared down at the poor fox boy. "Don't shoot the messenger!!" He called before darting off. 

"I'm going to fight a fricken SS ranker just to prove my worth," I thought aloud. "Meet you at the guild?" I turned back to Shoto.

"Yeah," Was all he said as I charged after the blue-eyed boy. 

'This is so unfair!! I have more experience than K and she's an S rank. Ughhh... That stupid Ri-ass. I'm gonna beat his ass after I challenge K!! Heck, I'll even challenge Turk!! And he's an SS rank' I thought enraged as I bolted back to the guild. 

Ranks in the guild are based on skill and magic control. The stronger you are, the higher the rank. To increase your rank you'd have to challenge someone of the level you wish to gain. You only get to challenge one person a month, but you can get challenged whenever. 

To get the rank you want, you either: A) Win the challenge or B) Get the attention of someone of higher ranking. If the higher-rank loses the duel, they lose some respect as a wizard. If the higher-rank wins, the challenger has to wait until the next month before they can challenge another superior. 

The higher rank is allowed to decline a challenge but they will lose respect as a wizard. If the challenger wins, they get the rank of the person they challenge.

It is still allowed for people to fight each other without it being a duel, for example, training or a bet. If it's 'cause of a disagreement or something petty like that, it could potentially lead to suspension from the higher-ups.

And who exactly are there higher-ups? - You might be asking. And well, they are the most respected of all wizards. Whether they be guild masters, SSS rankers, or HAMU members/representatives, they all get special permissions and privileges that outweigh the average wizard's abilities. 

The guild came into sight as I slowed my footsteps. I reached the front door and slammed it open. 

"MYSTA!!!" I yelled full of rage. The guild was eerily quiet as a path was formed between the crowds of wizards. The whimpering fox boy was shoved forwards despite his desperate attempt to flee. I stormed up to him. 

"What is all this ruckus? It's quieter than the depths of hell in 'ere!" Bellowed Warvolre from the top floor. The attention of everyone turned upwards as the old grump of an elf teleported down onto the bar. "Care to tell me the meaning of this?"

The guild went even quieter if possible, everyone glancing around the room. 

"Sorry, Master," I apologized. I held my head down as I took a step forwards, Mysta still cowering in fear.

"Mysta, get outta here! You're making a fool of our family." Warvolre stated heartlessly. Mysta let out an audible gulp as he nodded and dashed away. 

'That was harsh...' I thought. 

"Everyone back to their business," Warvolre commanded calmly. "Now, [name], why was it that you always cause a scene?"

"I was... going to shoot the messenger," I responded guiltily. "and I don't always cause a scene," I muttered under my breath so he didn't hear.

"I see." That was all he said.

"A- am I dismissed?"

"Very well then," 

I awkwardly left to go challenge Turk. 

Turk was a half-beast half-fairy wizard. He wasn't the brightest but he was good at close combat. He was a tank of sorts. 

"Hey, Turk!" I called. He grunted in response, turning his in the direction my figure slowly moving closer. He was a large beast man with horns and a nose piercing. 

"I challenge you to a duel."

˖ଘ à suivre


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