part 5

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Hell. A dangerous place inhabited by blood-thirsty demons. 

I once called this place home, but now I have a new place in life with all my friends and guildmates. 

The strange man grew out some horns and a tail as his skin morphed into a dark shade of red. He stretched out a bit.

"C'mon kid. We're almost there." He said as he continued walking. I stayed put. Why would I follow a strange man in hell? "If you stay you'll never see Hzahnda again."

I snapped out of my silent protest as I jumped to his side. Hzahnda was a kind-hearted demon. The only one I've ever met like her. To me, she was my mother as I don't have many memories of my birth mother. 

The demon led me down a familiar route as I could already feel the nostalgia. It's been an entire year since I was last here. A place where the sun never sets nor rises, stuck in one time, and the only thing that ever ages are beings from the living world or adolescence(young demons). 

A building came into view atop a lonesome hill a bit far from the city. My old home-- err Hzahnda's home that I grew up in. She was a bit strict but in a caring way. 

As we neared the building, he went off in a different direction to enter the house. I couldn't follow where he went. I walked up to the door. I took a breath and collected my thoughts as I worked up the strength to knock, which I did. The door swung open.

The room was dark and empty. Dust lined the walls and surfaces everywhere. The room was dull. I took a step in, coughing because of the extensive amount of dust. I looked around.

"Hello? Hzahnda? You there?" I called out in hopes as I continued to enter further in with caution. A piece of paper with a pen next to it stuck out to me. I went up to the counter where it lie. 

"Dear [name],

I hope you were able to get this note before it's too late. I have loved you since you fell from that bottle. You have been my main purpose in life since that fateful day. But I fear the government was not happy with my decision to take you in. My execution will be held on this upcoming Friday. It will be held in the town square at noon that day. I hope you can make it, so we can see each other one last time.


My head spun. My heart dropped. 'Her- Her death is my fault. Why? Why did I have to end my mother's life? I-  I- can't breathe.'

I was in a panicked state when I remembered that Friday was tomorrow. 

'What am I gonna do??

I sighed.

˖ଘ à suivre

I'm sorry this was short and rushed but I didn't have much planned for this chap
in fact, I don't have anything planned :)


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