Eternal sunshine

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Zoey's eyes darted around the room as she tried to think of something to say about herself.


"How old are you?"

"I'm 21 years old, oh wait, no, 22 in Korean age. I was born in 2000."

"She's the same age as Jongho."

"Really? Cool!"

The Maknae held out his fist to Zoey who gingerly gave it a bump. Since she was aware of it she felt a buzz of emotion when their knuckles touched. It was as if Jongho had transferred a little of his strength to her and she felt a little more comfortable around the boys.

"You were at work this morning? What do you do for job?"

"I work in a pharmacy."

"I don't know..."

"I give out medication. Drugs."

"Drugs? I think I understand. She said her job is to give out medicine. Like a pharmacist. Wait."

Hongjoong looked up the translation for 'pharmacist' on his phone and looked to Zoey for confirmation.

"Not quite. More like... an assistant. Pharmacist's assistant."

"Wow! Very important work."

"Do you enjoy it?"

Zoey hesitated before shaking her head.

"I just needed a job, any job, until I decided what I really wanted to do."

"How long have you worked there?"

"Three years."

"Do you know now? What do you want to do for work? Your dream?"


She hesitated to tell them her plans. She didn't know what they expected from her, but with them living in Korea it was either a long-distance relationship or she moves countries. 

"You don't have to tell us."

"I decided to study graphic design. I just got my acceptance to start university in September."

Zoey could tell when the implications of what she said hit Hongjoong. He quickly tried to hide it but she saw the disappointment on his face before he did.

"How long is the..."

"Two years."

He perked up a little obviously expecting it to be longer. The other boys looked confused.

"Hongjoong-Hyung, what did she say? We didn't understand much of that."

The leader tried to sound excited as he translated.

"Zoey wants to be a graphic designer and has just been accepted into university. She starts in September and it's a two-year course."

"What? But-"

"Congratulations, Zoey. You must be very excited?"

She smiled back at Seonghwa and nodded. Before looking down at her lap.

"I'm sorry."

"Why you sorry?"

"How will this work?"

Zoey gestured between them all and the boys looked stumped. She panicked that perhaps she had overestimated their feelings and her position in their life. However, the three Idols were just shocked that she was talking about having a relationship with them already.

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