Chapter 3

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A/N: Okay, I made a mistake in the last chapter; Harry didn't bring the 'traceless' wand because according to me trace doesn't exist, you will know it more in the chapter below. He just simply brought more powerful wands, which also contained cores that Olivander didn't use, like Basilisk, or thestral's hair. Olivander didn't use those cores because hunting those beasts is illegal(according to me in this story) and he also didn't use more than one core because those wands are more powerful and Ministry didn't approve of them.


The day Harry was going to visit Hermione, he woke up early, did his morning exercises, and ate all the protein shakes that he had purchased. He knew that many non-magical people use them to get their bodies in shape. And he had used them in the future, along with going to the gym, to maintain his body. He didn't want to be this time. He wanted to be someone that his Hermione would be proud of.

Furthermore, he also came to know that his dear old headmaster was out of the country for a meeting of ICW and wouldn't return for 2 weeks, so it was time for him to set everything in motion.

But before that, he has to also buy a gift for his queen, which would be the main thing to get her immediate reaction.

He went to the adjacent bathroom and took a shower after his workout. He apparated to an area near The Leaky Cauldron. Furthermore, he disillusioned himself and walked through the pub to Diagon Alley, where he cancelled his disillusionment charm in an alley nearby. Then, he went to the pet store and immediately made his way to the cats, and there was Crookshanks.

The half-kneazle was just a little kitten at the time.

The small kitten glanced at him as he approached its cage, seemingly gauging his value.

Despite having a nice relationship with the furball in the future, Harry chuckled since he knew it was an intelligent pet and wouldn't be content with him. As a result, he needed to tell the little one about his plan.

"Hello, Crookshanks! Since I am aware of your high intelligence, I am giving you to my Hermione as a gift. You'll meet her today; she's a lovely, kind, and loving owner who would adore you. She is also quite intelligent. She will take excellent care of you. On the other hand, you'll make her happy, keep her company, and support my efforts to gain her affection." He spoke softly to the kitten.

Harry was approached by the shop owner, and they agreed on a price for the furball. Harry requested cat food, toys, and a grooming kit from the owner. He obliviated the shopkeeper after getting everything he needed because he didn't want anyone to know he was here and went back to Potter Manor.

Harry assumed Hermione was in the park as the elf popped him near one. He promptly removed Crookshanks from the carrier and grabbed him up.

"I'm sorry I had to keep you in the carrier, but now that you are going to meet her, you need to charm her out, little fellow." The kitten mewed in agreement.

He observed Hermione reading while seated beneath a tree. He recognized the book she was reading, as he had seen her reading it a number of times, Hogwarts A History, which he had no doubt was her favourite book. Crookshanks hurried toward his new mistress after being set down on the ground.

Hermione was so engrossed in her book that she wasn't really aware of her surroundings until an adorable kitten began to rub up against her leg.

Hermione was startled at first, but she felt connected with the kitten the moment she saw him.

"Awww... Aren't you the cutest little thing?" The kitten jumped into her lap right away and nuzzled her arm as she cooed him.

She put the kitten back on her lap and caressed its ears as it purred peacefully.

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