Jan 13th, 11:26 pm

95 40 21

Him | Her | Others





"Now what?"

"Let's play a game."



"What game?"

"Twenty questions."





"I said no. Don't you have better
things to do?"

"Well, I'm bored."

"Thought so."

"Can we play now?"

"Do we get the chance to skip the question if we don't feel like answering?"

"Yes. Only five though."

"Sure. And we have to answer our own questions too."

"Okay. I'll start. How much would someone have to pay you to eat a live spider?"

"Only you Midnight, only you."

"Wha- You want me as the payment?"

"What! No! I'm talking about the craziness of that question!"

"Oh, bummer."

"Anyways, I would never ever eat a spider even if someone paid me billions of dollars."

"Oh, sad. I'd ask for the payment in time. I'd ask someone to pay me with all their time and attention."

"Wow. So if someone paid you, you would actually eat a spider?"

"That's the thing though, no one has time to pay attention to me. So basically I would never have to eat it."

"Oh, deep. Now my turn. Why did you call that night?"

"On new year's?"


"Oh that. Well, Claire had been bugging me about how I've never had a kiss and wanted me to kiss some random stranger when the clock struck twelve cuz apparently that's what everyone does these days. We made a bet that not everyone is the same. And she picked a random number for me to dial."

"And lucky for you, I was not kissing anyone."

"Yeah. What's your reason though?"

"My reason?"

"Yeah, you know, why weren't you busy kissing that night?"

"Is that one of the questions?"


"I'll pass then."

"Oh okay. I'll ask another one then-"

"That's cheating."

"Pft no!"

"It is."



"It isn't!"

"But it is!"

"Ahhh you're no funn."

"Alright okay. You can have another question."


"Did you just- never mind. So, what's the question?"

"So would you rather live a month without any access to the internet and all your devices taken away or an entire life without dessert?"

"Tough one, but I'll go without the desert. I'd go crazy without my devices."

"No way! So you agree, you love me and cannot live for even a month without me! Awwww I'm blushing stranger!"

"You're delusional Midnight."

"Ah denial, tsk tsk. Anyways I'd rather live without the devices! I mean the only contacts I have are of Claire and you. It doesn't even matters. My life would still be the same without a phone and I'm sure you'll survive a month without me! Plus deserts are life! Why would someone give those heavenly things up for humans. Ewwwwww."

"Ah, again Midnight only you."

"Why do you keep calling me that?"




"Oh I get it! Because I called at midnight that night, right?"


"Well you need brains to pull off the awesome pranks that I'm known for!"

"Good to know."

"Just so you know I'm pouting."

"...And why is that so?"

"I don't have a name for you ugh! I have to go now. I'll call you only when I get just the perfect name for you now."

"You mean never?"

"I hate you!"

"Hate is a strong feeling Midnight. Are you suggesting you have feelings for me now?"




"Only you Midnight, only you."

"What's got you laughing like that bro. It's been a long time since you laughed like that."

"It's nothing. Just go do your own thing."

"Kinda hard when your brother is having a fit of laughter in the middle of the night."

"Whatever. I'm off to bed."

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