Chapter 5

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Later that night Emily bursts into Alison's bedroom, the door slamming against the wall before bouncing back towards Emily forcefully. Emily catches the door as she steps inside the room and flings it shut behind her. Alison jumps at the sudden commotion, yanking her earbuds out of her ears and scrambling to sit up on her bed. Emily's eyes are dark and wild, appraising Alison with a sinister expression. Alison can practically feel the anger radiating off of the brunette and suddenly she feels like she's suffocating in the enclosed room with the girl she used to trust most in the world.

"Well, that was quite the show you put on this afternoon," Emily accuses angrily.

Alison notices Emily is unsteady on her feet and recognizes her flushed cheeks and slightly slurred speech. She's drunk. Alison has only seen Emily drunk a couple of times before she left and back then Emily had been so young and innocent that Alison had actually found the brunette's drunken behavior, which had included unabashedly staring at her cleavage and badly singing along to Lady Gaga, kind of adorable. But Emily's not that shy sweet girl any more, she's cold and hard and quick to anger and Alison knows she's more than partially responsible for the change. And she has a feeling Emily didn't come over tonight to serenade her with an off-key version of "Bad Romance." She takes a moment to hit pause on the song currently blaring through her iPhone's earbuds and puts the device on the nightstand before taking a deep breath and turning back to face Emily.

"What are you talking about? What show?" Alison asks.

"That innocent little victim act you pulled at Spencer's," Emily says, stalking over to the bed with her eyes fixed on Alison like she's preparing to devour her.

"I didn't... they noticed the bruises. I didn't say anything," Alison stammers out, surprised by the accusation.

Alison is genuinely confused because Emily had witnessed the whole thing. Emily had seen Spencer and the others take notice of the bruises on their own, and she had heard Alison deny that anyone, let alone Emily, had hurt her, despite their friends' persistent questioning. She had done that to protect Emily, and maybe herself too, but mostly Emily. And still Emily shows up at her house vibrating with rage and making wild accusations.

"Maybe if you didn't leave marks all over my body, we wouldn't have this problem," Alison continues, her voice a bit sharper this time. Because she's sick of it. Sick of Emily barging into her room to yell at her and blame her for things she had no part in. There's plenty Emily could blame her for without resorting to making stuff up.

Emily chuckles darkly, kneeling on the bed besides Alison and grabbing the blonde's jaw in her hand. She turns Alison's head slowly from side to side to inspect her battered lip. "They thought this was bad? Wait till they see what I do to you tonight," she hisses in a voice so unlike her own that Alison feels herself shudder.

"Em," Alison starts wearily, twisting her head out of Emily's increasingly tight grasp and lowering her eyes for a moment to gather her thoughts.

She can feel the knot forming in her stomach and her throat running dry. She doesn't think she has the strength to handle Emily tonight, she's much too tired. Her body is exhausted from the last two weeks and her mind is still reeling from having to fend off her friends' prying questions and concerned looks earlier. She's spent the last few hours laying in bed worrying about what would happen if the others found out the truth. Would they judge her for being pathetic enough to let this go on for two weeks now? Would they blame her for pushing Emily to this point? Or worse, pity her? Would they think she deserved it and look the other way? Would they even believe her?

"Poor little Alison. Always the victim." Emily's mocking voice cuts into Alison's thoughts and Alison tries her best to keep her head up and hold Emily's heated gaze. "Why didn't you tell them how much you like it? Hm? How hard you come when I fuck you?" she asks, sliding one leg over Alison's thighs so she's straddling her. Alison swallows thickly at Emily's words as her head drops in shame. Emily is right. How could she deny wanting Emily when her body always responds to her touch.

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