Not hungry.

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Charlie POV-

Me and my friends are all in Pizza Hut, between us there are four pizzas. Elle and Tao are sharing, Tara and Darcy are sharing, Me and Nick are sharing and Aled has his own since he is sort of the seventh wheel today, and every other day.
"Aren't you gonna eat Char?" Nick asked worry laced in his voice.
"Oh.. I'm not overly hungry.." I answered, truth is I haven't eaten since yesterday but no one needed to know that, I took a small bite of a slice of pizza and very slowly ate the one piece of pizza.
"Are you okay Charlie?" Elle asked after she noticed the fact when everyone had eaten their whole pizzas (everyone had half each) I had just eaten one slice.
"Yeah, just not overly hungry.." I smiled.
"Okay, let's take it home in a take away bag," Aled suggested, we all nodded.
When I went to stand everything went fuzzy so I froze.
"You okay Charlie?" Tara asked.
"I'm fine." I asked slightly irritated and still dizzy.
The next thing I knew it was blank.

Nick POV-
"I'm fine," I heard Charlie answer Tara and then I heard a thud, I span around quickly and saw Charlie passed out and Tara's hand on his head to make sure he didn't hit it when he fell.
"Charlie?!" I yelled and walked over and Tao and Elle followed, all the rest was already over there.
One of the workers came over to us and asked what was wrong and after they saw Charlie they told us to pick him up and carry him over to the staff only room so no one would crowd around us, I carried him and on our way he woke up but stayed quiet, this same thing happened in Paris why didn't I notice the fact he didn't eat a lot I kind of ignored it as he may have eaten a big lunch since none of us had seen him since yesterday. When we got to the staff only room the worker told me to put him down on the floor and they would go get some water for him.
"I'm sorry.." Charlie apologise, "I'm so sorry.."
"Don't apologise, we're sorry we didn't notice." I said quickly. I hate when he apologises when he did nothing wrong.
"Can someone call his parents please?" I asked.
"I will I have their number," Tao answered and he started to call them and explain what happened.
"Here's the water," the worker said.
"Thank you," Aled said taking the glass and passing it to a now sat up Charlie.
"Thanks.." Charlie said taking a sip.
"Can you try eat another slice of pizza please?" Elle asked, Elle is like the mum of the group.
"I'll try..." Charlie answered taking the slice of pizza Elle was passing him, he ate it slowly but he ate it.
"Charlie, your parents are here," Tao said. I picked Charlie up, he said not to but I still did and carried him to his car.
"My mums gonna pick me up in a minute, I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled giving Charlie a quick kiss on the forehead.
"Bye everyone, sorry," Charlie said getting in the car.
"You don't have to apologise!" We all said.

This is bad sorry

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