Equality club<3

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TW-talk of homophobia/transphobia and bullying

Charlie POV-
I walk into the class for equality's team for the first time and I'm instantly met with my favourite teacher, Mr. Ajayi, I mean he is head of the club so there is no surprise there.
"Charlie! I'm so glad you decided to come!" He said as I walked in turning all the attention to me.
"Hey.." I said walking to the back of the class next to someone who is not seen much of before, I've seen them around school a few but I've never really spoke to them.
"Hello!" They said in a enthusiastic voice.
"Hello," I smiled.
"I'm Elle! And I'm trans! I go by she, her pronouns!"
"Oh! Cool! I'm Charlie and I'm gay, you've probably heard that around school though, haven't you?"
"Yeah! But still your a year 9 right? I'm year 10, would you like to be friends?" She asked with a smile.
"Sure!" I replied giving a smile back.
*after the club(the club was in break)*
"You should hang out with me and my friend Tao at lunch, we are usually in the field," a said as we walked out the class.
"Sure, I'd love to!" Elle replied with a smile.

Me and Tao were sitting on the field eating our lunches when I saw Elle in the distance.
"Over here!" I yelled once I noticed she looked like a lost lamb in a field of cows.
"Hiiiii!" She said running towards us.
"Hey!" Tao said looking up at her, "I'm Tao."
"Elle!" Elle replied. We all hung out almost everyday after that, they were there for me when the bullying was too much, we were there for Elle when people misgendered her or dead named her even though everyone knows her name and pronouns as her mum emailed the school addressing it and Tao always stuck up for us when the bullies were around and when people were homophobic or transphobic to us, we have the best group! Then we met Aled! He is a nice boy in our year and he hangs out with us as well, we are the best group of friends around!

I hope you enjoyed!

Heartstopper oneshots&lt;3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt