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I arrived to the hotel and went to my room. It was nice and everything, but my room's door doesn't close easily. I kept thinking about Sebastian and his little brother Liam for a while then i checked the clock. It was 7:30 pm which means that i have to get ready to surprise my "boyfriend" in that restaurant he told me about.

Of course i called my father to help me find it.
"Hello my daughter"
"Dad, i need your help with something"
"What is it sweetie?"
"Apparently, there's a restaurant next to my boyfriend's house"
"Yea right"
"I need its location"
"Of course" he hung up

I arrived to the restaurant and the waiter opened the door for me. I looked around and for my biggest surprise, i saw him with another girl, having a date.
"Nice" i mumbled

I walked towards them with a big smile on my face. No one else was in the restaurant, just them and a couple of guys who were having a meeting i guess.

I stepped behind him and said,
"Who's that pretty lady over here?" I smiled at her
The waiter brought me a chair and placed it next to them. I sat down and looked at the waiter,
"Wine please"
"Who are you?" That girl asked
"Well ask him. Mr. Alexander Black, did the cat eat your tongue?"
The waiter approached us and placed the glass of wine in front of me. I smiled.

"What are you doing here Valentina?" Alexander was shocked
"Nothing! I just wanted to surprise my loyal boyfriend. Can't i?"
"It's not what it looks like" he yelled, defending himself
"He's my fiancé! What's happening here?" She questioned

I couldn't believe my ears.
"You disrespectful motherfucker!" I took the glass of wine and splashed it on him "i hope you enjoyed your bath!" I bursted out of the restaurant

Walking in the street i felt someone grab my arm. I looked around to see who it was and all i see was Alexander.
"How dare you?" He punched me so hard till i fell on the floor with a blurry vision.
"Fuck" i whimpered
He grabbed my arm again.
"Stand up, you're going home with me" he barked

A car pulled over next to us and what the actual fuck is happening tonight...
Sebastian got out of the car and started beating Alexander so hard.
"You touch her again and i swear to god, i'll fucking rip your throat open!"

Sebastian approached me.
"Oh god..."
He carried me like i was the most fragile thing in the world and gently placed me in his car. He put my seatbelt on and asked,
"Your eye is hurting you alot, isn't it?"
"How did you-"
"I was there in the restaurant" he affirmed
Oh fuck. So he saw everything. God what's happening tonight?
"Oh wow"

He turned on the car and started driving.
"Where are we going?" I questioned
"My house" he answered with his spanish accent
"No no, my-" my phone started ringing
I looked at my phone's screen and of course, its my father. This ugly rat told him everything for sure right away. I answered.

"Valentina what the fuck?" He yelled
"What now?" I said in a low voice to make him notice that there's someone next to me, but i think God forgot to add smartness in my father's head.
I felt completely speechless. What did he just say?
"My... what?" 
"Dad, he hit me! How am i going to marry someone like him?" My voice cracked
Hearing my words, Sebastian looked at me.
"HE WOULDN'T HIT YOU IF YOU DIDN'T DESERVE IT!" he made it clear to hear

I fucking hate my dad. Because of him, my life went upside down. I felt my tears roll down my face so i hung up. Sebastian parked aside the road and looked at me again.

"What's wrong? You can talk to me"
"I-its nothing important really" i whimpered
"It is since it made you cry" he affirmed
"No really, it's nothing" i wiped my tears
"If you say so" he shrugged
"But can u take me to that hotel- um its-"

I haven't even tell him where, yet he took me to the right destination. Its weird. I got out of the car and before i shut the door behind me, i asked
"I never got to ask. What's your last name?"
"I'm Sebastian Gonzalez" he added, "and yours?"
"King. Valentina King" i shut the door behind me and headed towards my room.
As i opened the door, I smelled perfume or more like cologne.
"It smells like my father's" i thought
I looked at the couch and saw him. My father.
"How what? How did i arrive here?" My father chuckled as Alexander got out of the bathroom.
I shook my head in disbelief. How could all this happen in one night?

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