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I was paralyzed. I didn't want to lose her. She's everything in my life.
"I love you" i whispered as i laid my head on his lap, in the hospital's room.
The doctor said she'll be fine but i'm still worried. It all happened because of me.

Suddenly, i felt her move a bit and when i looked at her angelic face, i saw her opening her eyes slowly. I quickly called the doctor. He showed up with a nurse.

"You're awake Mrs. Gonzalez" the doctor smiled as he added "how are you feeling?"
She glared at him with her brown eyes.
"You'll be fine. There's some cuts on ur face and hands, ur ankle might hurt a bit but everything is-"
"When will i get out here?" Valentina interrupted him

I felt so fucking bad. She wasn't even looking at me.
"Oh... so you want to leave the hospital? Well i'm sorry Mrs. but you can't leave here for like, a week" he announced
"But i want to leave today"
"Babe we cant. It's fo-" she interrupted me
"I'll take good care of myself i promise. Just let me go home, please"
"You can't take care of yourself on your own" the doctor affirmed
"I'll take care of her and i'll get a nurse to help me too. Don't worry" i said
"Well if you insist..." the doctor left the room with the nurse

Her and i were alone in the room. We were staring into each others' eyes till i decided to break the silence.
"I was scared to death"
"I hate you" she said as she sat on the bed and tried to walk
I approached her quickly while saying,
"Wait you can't-"
"Don't fucking lay your fingers on me" Valentina said
"I'm sorry... i'm sorry for everything. I didn't mean to lie. I just wasn't ready to tell you and i wanted to wait for the right time"
"Are you talking?" She asked
"I'll never stop talking till you forgive me" i responded

The nurse walked in the room with a wheel chair.
"Wait seriously?"
"Sir you should sign some papers outside"
"Okay i'm coming" i answered

We arrived home. Actually, she didn't want to come with me so i used force. We changed rooms for a week because Valentina can't go upstairs due to her chairwheel. They said chairwheel would be better than any other options. My heart shatters every time i see her like this... it's clear that i really hurt her, but God only knows that i really didn't mean to.

I walked to the room and saw her sleeping on the bed. I sat next to her as i brushed her hair out of her face.
"I'll always love you mi amora" i whispered
Few minutes passed... and while i was playing with her hair, I received a text from my father.

E: Oh my son, you didn't tell me you got married. What a shame. You didn't even introduced her to me.
S: Ethan don't think about it. Your eyes won't even lay on her.
E: You sure? What if i already laid my eyes on her?
S: stop with your bullshit.
E: well i only wanted to know if she was okay. She's in pain, isn't she?
S: what?
E: Valentina king... oh yea. She's just like her mother. Stubborn sometimes... i can tell. You know, her mother told me that by herself. But i keep wondering if she'll scream like her mother did. Or more like... i wonder what she'd do.
S: fuck you.
E: haha, you really hurt my feelings so much
S: you know, may god have mercy on you if you touch her, because I won't.
E: i promise... it's not me who's going to touch her.
S: what do you mean by that?
E: see you in a while, love birds.

I fucking hate this man. I got up slowly, kissed Valentina on her forehead and walked out of the room. What does he even mean when he said that he's going to see us soon?

I headed to the kitchen. Alcohol is what can help right now. I took a sip from my cup.
"Father" Liam approached me
I put my cup on the bar and lifted him up.
"My son, i miss you"
"I think i made a mistake this morning but i'm sowwy. I didn't mean to" his voice cracked
"No no it's okay. Everything can be fixed right?" I smiled at him

Not everything can be fixed. If i threw glass on the floor... it won't be fixed. If i broke someone's trust. It can't be fixed. But what if i try?

He hugged me tightly as he said,
"I love you father"
"I love you more" i whispered

I tucked my son in his bed and walked outside. While i was passing next to my sister's room, i stopped. I heard a man's voice inside. It was a familiar voice to me.

I opened my door before i froze.
"Alexander?" I muttered
Things can't get worser than that. Can it?

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